Scouts beaver 🦫 age 6 collecting postcards to go towards her collection badge

I’ll send a Card from Germany - PM me the address please :slightly_smiling_face:

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I will send a card from Cologne/DE. Please, pm the address.

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Hello lovely girl scout,
I will send the postcard with the scout stamp.Please check the DM.

Girl scout from Taiwan,


I will be happy to contribute! From Minnesota, USA. PMing you.

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New York City :statue_of_liberty:

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Sent a PM to you.

I’ve sent you a hint as well about how to differenciate public threads and private messages. Hopefully that will help you.

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I’ll be happy to contribute with a card from Madrid, sending PM :blush:

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Hi Lilly - I’d love to send you a card from New Zealand! I’m a Kea Scout Leader here. Keas is the New Zealand version of Beavers. My first encounter with postcrossing was when my Cub was collecting postcards for his Collectors badge a while back! Please pm me with your address. From Whio (that’s my Kea Leader name!)


Lily Rose -

I’d be happy to send a few cards from Maryland to help you out! I have some very unique cards you might enjoy, a wooden card and a lenticular card, that would be fun cards to show off. Send me your address and I’ll be happy to put them in the post to you!

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I’ve messaged you.

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I would love to send her one from Indiana! Please message me the address. :slight_smile:

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Hi Lily Rose - I would like to send you a card from Montana, USA and my cat Gulliver would like to send you some from different parts of the world he has visited. He likes to travel and write about what he has seen. How many in your Scout troop? Please send your address. Postcrossers are generous about sending cards. Be sure and let us know if you have preferences. No need to write back to Gulliver or myself.

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Howdy! I can send from Washington State. No need to send anything back, thanks.

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I would love to send a card from Ohio! Please feel free to PM me with the address and let me know of any preferences (favorite animal, favorite Disney movie?). I have an animal box and Disney box and quite a few National Parks cards as well.

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Today I learned that Beaver scouts is a thing in the UK! Never heard of it before! :slight_smile: I would have loved to participate back in the day!

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I would love to send a card from Minnesota!

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I can send you one from Japan:) just message me your address.

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I just joined Ms. LillyRose! I would love to send you a postcard from the US. I have the perfect one on mind for you! Tell your Mum (good morning Mum) !


I’ll send one from Colorado Springs, Colorado US. PM sent :love_letter: :mailbox_with_mail:

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I will send you a postcard!
What is address and I will send right away from USA :slightly_smiling_face:

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