Scented/Fragrance Cards

Hi Folks,
Just the way we have scented/fragrance stamps, do we also have scented postcards in usage?
I just imagine smelling roses from a postcard on valentine’s day.



I’m curious too!
I’ve pulled 2 profiles who requested a spray of perfume on the cards, and the recipients could still smell it, after the card’s postal journey! I’ve also found a few vintage scented letter sets kicking about in thrift shops.


I’m not aware of any postcards that are manufactured with a scent, but a spritz of “Tea Rose” perfume by Perfumers Workshop ought to survive a trip through the mail. It’s like a rose garden in a bottle!

If you’ll PM your address, I’ll send a belated Valentine scented with roses, as an experiment. Cheers!


Thats so nice of you. Sure :slight_smile: :innocent:

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I had seen an offer for scented cards -


I have cards where you can smell coffee if you scratch the card, but it’s not obvious otherwise and you can’t smell it without scratching it and being very close after.
I myself am sensitive to smells so I would hate to receive a card with an obvious scent. So I personally would definitely not send one if it wasn’t asked for.


I have lettersets and note sheets with hidden scratch spots with smell. I also once saw folded cards with flower smell but it smelled very artifical so I did not bother to buy them.


I know that some tourist shops in Greek islands sell these:

They smell like typical Greek scents (food/herbs). You just have to add a stamp and they’re ready to go!


@agapara I have seen such cards with lavendre!

Maybe they have been sent as official as well.

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yes, there are scented postcards. I bought some from the manga museum in Kyoto, Japan. The postcards are of the manga " Rose Of Versailles" so the cards are rose scented. they are not scratch and smell, so I guess they just sprayed perfume on the cards? I bought them for my own collection, so I don’t know if they can keep the scent after going through the postal system, but they smell pretty nice if kept in a collection. I can still smell the rose scent after about 8 years.


I’ve never seen scented card. It should be sent with caution because some people may have an allergy to certain fragrance.

I keep some of my cards in the same box I keep my essential oil, I sent a card to @kei17 and I’m surprised even after a month travelling the fragrance retains


Japanese noble people in Heian period, about 1000 years ago, used incense to transfer its scent to letter paper. They lived in Kyoto.
Pei’s story reminds me that :heart_eyes: 8 years! Just
amazing!! Thank you for telling about your special card, @Pei_CL :rose::sparkles:

Didn’t you keep your stickers and washi tapes in the same box, @catchycat ?
My nose tells me these scent is still coming from cards, washi tapes and paper sticker, but not from non-paper sticker and stamps.
(Now I feel like a police dog :dog:)
I hope your cards’ fantastic scent will remain for 8 yeasr as well :laughing: Thank you very much for your magical cards!


Stickers and washitapes are in different box. Maybe I should keep them in a “scented box” too :laughing:

I just heard about the method using incense from the Heian era, worth trying! A new method other than the cotton pads with drops of essential oil