San Mateo, CA: Postcrossing's Birthday 2024 on July 14 (SUNDAY)

:world_map: CITY/REGION: San Mateo, CA
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Hillsdale Shopping Center (Food Court)
:calendar: DATE: Jul. 14th, 2024 (Sunday)
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Postcrossingā€™s 19th birthday. It needs to be celebrated by our local thriving Postcrossing community!

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

What are we going to do?
-Signing meetup cards (maximum of 30 postcards to pass around per attendee)
-Get to know each other more (this is very important because this will link to a future meetup)
-Food fight! (Iā€™m kidding)

What should you bring?
-To save time and energy, strongly suggest a rubber stamp with your name. Or you can also print half inch or smaller stickers with your name. Up to you. Rubber stamps do smear, especially if itā€™s not quick drying ink. Or just bring a good pen or marker! :writing_hand:
-Postcards you want to get rid of. Yeah, all those annoying ones! :stuck_out_tongue:
-Bring a quirky hat or any sort of headgear :cowboy_hat_face:
-Your wallet with license if youā€™re driving and if you want to buy something :sweat_smile:
-Your drunken happy self! :star_struck:

This cute postcard is designed by @capybaracrossing. Please order by Jun 26!


Sounds like this will be a fun meetingā€¦ with the potential to end up in the news :laughing:!


And this shopping mall is such a posh oneā€¦:eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Hello! My name is Sonali, and I am from San Diego. This will be my first meetup in the Bay Area (and my first non-SD meetup). Does this work as an RSVP? How do I put in an order for the meetup postcards? Thank you.


Yayyyyyyyyy! Canā€™t wait to meet you! RSVP is recommended so I can keep count. :stuck_out_tongue: And I will take postcard orders once a design is finalized :smiley:

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Thank you for the welcome. How do you organize your meetup? Do you play games with prizes? If so, Iā€™d love to contribute. I think I RSVPā€™d by checking ā€œGoing.ā€. Would you please verify? Thank you!

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I donā€™t know if I can make it yet, but Iā€™m going to keep my eye on this thread!

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Yesss, I have you down. :smiley: I usually do a little raffle towards the end but this time I want to try and experiment. Thank you so much for offering to contribute! Iā€™ll update the post once I have formulated an activity :heart_eyes:

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Hopefully you can make it! I didnā€™t get a chance to talk to you during the Stamp Show :frowning:

Hello! Iā€™m Abran from the LA area. That weekend I will be in San Jose to attend Obon the day before the meetup so I wonā€™t have to go far on Sunday. Would be an honour to meet you Bay Area Postcrossers! See you then!


Adding to my calendar :spiral_calendar:


I am planning to attend, and I might bring a friend along.

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Thank you for putting this together, Rumana! I look forward to seeing you again after meeting you at Westpex :two_hearts: If odd numbers are okay, Iā€™d like 15 cards please!


Hi folks, I have 2 designs that were shared with me so far. If youā€™re interested in designing the meetup card, please let me know!

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I would like to! Would you be okay communicating over discord?

sure! My username is the same on discord :smiley:

Great! Just sent a friend request.

Hello, Iā€™m interested! Would like 20 cards.

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Hi I would like to reserve 20 cards

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sounds great! Count me in

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