
Thank you very much for fantastic information about your experience! Have a wonderful trip!

May be I’m late, but this post office and card is beautiful :heart_eyes:

Nice trip! It’s good to know there is available to get postcards. Sadly only about animals (which is still cool if these are native animals of that place) but that would be good if they can have also postcards with city views so we can know how people live there.

Rwanda is quite well known for its gorillas, think it’s one of the things that draws tourists

Yes, I sent RW-847, 848 and 849. I akways send a card to myself too.


Yes, I also prefer city views.

I would love to take a peek at the “Map” section of your profile page, to see the places you have visited and sent postcards from. Just curious as I haven’t used the travel mode. :smile:

I’m too late, that’s okay. I’m more interested in hearing about your travels and what brings you to Rwanda and Burundi. Hope you have a great trip!

The permit now cost 1500 US$ so it’s cheaper to see them elsewhere. But I suppose they still get enough tourists.

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WOW! I have never received a postcard from Rwanda!! Enjoy your trip!

Muraho, I will travel to Rwanda in June. It is the 5th trip to that beautiful country. I have never been in Burundi. :hugs: