Russian Sent Letters Question

Hey there! I am very new here, but have sent 6 postcards so far- yay! Only 1 has been recieved. One is on its way to Russia and was sent 1 or 2 days before the attack.

With the postal service not delivering to Russia from the US, is there a way to have this postcard not go towards my traveling so I can send another postcard in the meantime?

Really enjoying this- got my first postcard today! :purple_heart:


There isn’t a way to not count the traveling card so you’ll have to wait until it arrives or expires.

If you’d like to send and receive cards while your official cards are traveling, you can join some of the tags, round robins, etc. under the Games category or under North America in geographic locations.


No, the card has been mailed & I would expect USPS will store mail to Russia until there is some change in Russia’s suspension status.

After 60 days, the card will be considered expired & another slot will open up for you. The card has another 10 months beyond that time still to arrive at its destination & be registered.

Glad you’re enjoying Postcrossing so far & I’d recommend joining games on the Forum to have some fun while you’re waiting for your first cards to arrive.

There are lots of cool games like tags, lotteries or direct swaps that will get you meeting new people & getting & sending more postcards while waiting for your official cards. Enjoy!


Once you’ve drawn an address there is no way to give it back for whatever reason.

I close this Topic now because your question is answered.