Rune stone celebration meetup in Oslo, Norway Saturday, February 18th, 2023 at 12pm

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Oslo, Norway
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Museum of History, Frederiks gt 2
:calendar: DATE: February 18th, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Visiting the museum’s exhibit of the world’s oldest rune stone 
 ! Shopping for postcards in the museum shop. Sitting down somewhere to sign our postcards.

We’re trying to start up our quarterly non-weekday meetups again in 2023 and here is the weekend meetup for Q1 - big thanks to @KAS for this wonderful idea! :smiley: In 2021 Norwegian archeologists discovered what turned out to be the world’s oldest rune stone, and it is finally going on exhibition. The Museum of History will be displaying it for one month starting tomorrow and we will go to see it :smiley:

You can read about the exhibition here: The world's oldest rune stone - Historical Museum

The stone is around 2 000 years old and is a very important discovery that has thrown new light on the history of runic writing. If you are interested in written communication :wink: you can’t miss this 

We will probably have a special meetup card for this meetup, KAS is hard at work! Watch this space :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: The museum shop also sells postcards and of course we will stop by there to see what we can see.

After the exhibition we will go to Elias Mat & SĂ„nt in 14 Christian August street, kitty corner across the street from the old National Gallery, to sit down and have a drink and maybe some food, and sign our postcards. We have a reservation there from 2:30pm. You’re welcome to join us only at the restaurant, if you don’t have time to see the exhibition.

If you’re planning to attend, it’s great if you can let us know in this thread.

@KAS: It’s your job to promote this on Facebook as usual. :smile:

Hope to see many of you there! :smile:

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Wish I could join you in Oslo, but would love instead to trade a card for any card with runes on it, if you or some other one attending would be willing to trade!

My offers are at: Nancy B’s albums | Flickr

I will be there, I will promote away, and there’s a meetup card!

It’s a simple design with the futhark (runic alphabet), date and occasion, with a short(-ish) description on the back. The price will as usual depend on total size of order, probably around 4-6 NOK per card. Please let me know by Monday morning if you want any/how many. (Ignore the “preview” watermark and click image for clearer view.)

Update Feb 11: all cards are now spoken for, which also means they are very cheap, actually! Price per card came to 2.7 kr. Round up your final tally. (So 10 cards = 27 kr, 15 cards = 40.5 = 41 kr. etc.)

KAS - 20*
baguetta - 20*
arcticgirl64 - 25*
marit_la - 80*
LeishaCamden - 10
Tanumine - 10*
Vaniagh74 - 15*
Perlia - 15*
Inger71 - 50*
Rasavil - 5*

Still available: 0
*= paid


I will join😊

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20 meetup cards for me😊

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I will join. 20 cards for me

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I hope to join, unless something else gets in the way.

I would like 20 meetup cards.

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I want 10 cards :smiley:

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Fyi I’m going to wait a few more days to order the meetup cards, hoping for a discount - their new prices are so high and usually (at least pre-pandemic) they are quick to offer discounts if you design something but don’t actually order it
 Fingers crossed.

Oops! Forgot to post: I would like 10 cards please!

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10 cards for me please😃

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Good morning :grinning:
I wish I could be there in Oslo, but unfortunately that’s not possible. Instead, I would like to exchange one of your meeting cards for a MeetUp card from Germany if any of you are interested.
Please write me via PM.

Yo guys, right now it looks like it will come to 6.5 kr pr card. Quick reminder that it gets cheaper per card the more cards we order. You still have a few days to increase your order - or order some, if you haven’t already. :grinning: Just sayin :smile:

Ok, I placed the order now, to make sure we get the cards in time. With economy delivery (cheaper but takes longer
) it comes to exactly 6.00 per card. I think we have to start getting used to these kinds of prices with vistaprint, except for when we make really big orders (several hundred cards ++).

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Do you need advanced payment from us?

For now I trust you all to pay what you owe when you get your cards :upside_down_face:

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I love laying runes and would be so happy to exchange the meetup card with someone. I have other meetup cards or tell me what you collect please :slight_smile:

er det mulig fortsatt bestille kort eller jeg er forsent ute? :innocent:

Kortene er bestilt fra trykkeriet, men det er ikke for sent. Det er kort “til overs”, siden man mĂ„ bestille gitte antall, uavhengig av hvor mange vi egentlig trenger. Hvor mange vil du ha? :blush:

:star_struck: 15 om det er mulig :innocent:

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