[RR] Winner Takes All RR - North America Edition

:game_die: 1


@postbot roll 1d5

:game_die: 4

@postbot roll 1d5

Thanks much!

:game_die: 2


@postbot roll 1d5


:game_die: 4

@postbot roll 1d5


:game_die: 4


I’m sorry! I had a family emergency. I have sent that addresses to the winners for today!

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Receved @Michelle305 's card for Group FF 141 today! I love the Harry Potter movies too. I wish that they hadn’t cut out the scene right before this were Malfoy throws Harry the wand. :wink:

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I’ll join 729 & 731, please.

721 & 725 are ready to mail.

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719, 720, 725 and FF143 in the mail for tomorrow!

Please add me to 726, 727, 728, 729, 731 and FF144. Thanks! :heartbeat:

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Received this wonderful card from @journeyforth in geo FF140.

Received these lovely cards from @Citrine28 and @ellistrations in for FF142.


Cards sent for 720 and 718. Please add me to 724 and 726

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710 mailed days ago, I posted on wrong RR , sorry!

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Postcards have been sent for Groups 718, 719, 720, 721, 725, and FF 143.

Please add me to 726, 727, 728, 729, and FF144. Thank you!

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@journeyforth Thank you Jan for this cool cat card! I was able to see the auroras, the red and greens, never thought I would see the day that I would view them with my own eyes, it was amazing! Love the cat stickers and stamp. :blush:


Great that you were able to see them! We couldn’t actually see them here, but my daughter took photos with her I phone and they were visible in the photos… no green, just pink, still!! Exciting for us! Glad you liked the card!

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Received Group #695 @CrimsonKing Thank you so much for the fall postcard! I’m looking forward to fall already. It’s way too hot here in Texas and I mainly teach middle and high school. :wink: Thanks again!

Also received Group #686 Art as well from @CrimsonKing ! So much fun to get two surprises in one envelope :heavy_heart_exclamation: