[RR] Winner Takes All RR - North America Edition

709 from @salemhouse a wonderful Paris card - thank you!!

And from @BarbL neat card and stamps! It’s great when friends surprise you with postcards. It’s the best gift :laughing:thanks!


My mail from April 25th went directly to a reject pile somehow. I got the envelopes returned to me, but I’ll figure out what was a postcard and resend. Those aren’t showing up and I don’t put a return address on them.

716 Cat
@ellistrations I have a lot of this box left, I forget to use them. Come join some envelope groups, maybe you can get some back hehe
Thanks for this one


Received FF141 @architeuthis 's card. Thanks so much for the card! I hope you can get to Venice someday :wink:

Received FF141 @skatingjerry 's card. I’m so glad you like swimming too! It’s always nice to be in the quiet while exercising. Happy Swimming!

Received FF141 @Citrine28 's card. Sounds like you had a great Cinco de Mayo and birthday party! Thanks so much for the Hawaiian postcard. I always love seeing pictures of home. :heart:

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@salemhouse - thank you! Sounds like you had a fun break from home! Today I am catching up on all my received cards from the last two days before mail arrives today. So many in just a couple days!


706, 707, 708, 709, 714, 715, 716, 717 & FF142 went out 5/17. :smiley:

Join please 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 724, 725 & FF143, thanks Whit! :strawberry:

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714 from @skatingjerry beautiful butterfly Tausendschön card. Thank you!

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716 Cat
@Citrine28 cool cat card, thanks!


@Citrine28 - thank you! The Sanrio stickers (especially Pochacco) made me so happy!

@Citrine28 - thank you! I love this one! I really enjoy seeing new cards from them. The variety is amazing.


720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, FF143 please

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Could I please join Groups 718, 719, 720, 721, and FF143?

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Group 706 - from @ellistrations - thank you so much for your postcard! Such a proud and stately animal … a beautiful image. I agree, WTA NA is one of my favorite groups, as well.


Hi everyone! I had another crazy week this week. I am so sorry for the delay in updating. School ends next week so we will have more time at home when we’re not out of town!

I’m going to update now!


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Group FF143 - Surprise (please consider the winner’s preferences)

  1. ellistrations
  2. Citrine28
  3. BigJuice
  4. CrimsonKing
  5. uconn
  6. skatingjerry

@postbot roll 1d6

:game_die: 4

@marymiller1066 cute cat card illustration. Thanks!

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I’ll join 729 and 731 please :blush:

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714 from @ellistrations - thanks for the wedding LouPaper!


@postbot roll 1d5

:game_die: 5

@postbot roll 1d5
