[RR] Winner Takes All RR - North America Edition

Join 665, 666, 667 and FF137! Please

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FF136 in the mail today! :two_hearts:

Please add me to 666, 667, 671, 672, & FF137. Thanks!

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653 from @Beachyblonde great lantern press leprechaun card. Love that you wrote in green ink and enjoyed reading about your holiday traditions. Thanks!

663 from @Beachyblonde super duper cute Titina and friends illustration perfect for receiving it on Easter weekend. These are some of my favorite cards to receive! :smiley:

657 from @journeyforth what a cute little cat in a rain jacket. I love all the cute cat stickers and happy my tulips are budding. Happy spring!


663 from @uconn cute illustrated cat card. I’ll have to check out this shop. The texture of the card is great too. Thanks!



@architeuthis love Struwwelpeter and the others from these stories. I only learned about them through Postcrossing though

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L 102 Thank you for this lovely view card of Europe @Gittie Nice stamps and even the bird made it .

g666 stickers please.

I’ll join #629, 669, 672,please

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Thank you, but I’m not taking part in the North America Edition. Sorry!

May I join 659, 665, & 671?

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FF136 leaving tomorrow!

Join FF137 please :blush:

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668 has been mailed

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663 mailed on Saturday, March 30

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Mailed: FF136

Request to join: FF137

Received: all cards from 647

Thank you!


663 thanks @CrimsonKing for this post stone AI cat card. Nice vintage stamps too. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello, May I please join these groups?
Group 670 - Food & Drink

Group FF137 - Surprise

L43 (5, 8, 13, 16, 28)

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For Group #645 - Food/Drink
Thank you @sleepyhippo1 for the Keep Calm card! I had to laugh when I saw this because my husband is a personal trainer and I told him I was going to make copies of the card and give it his clients.

Thank you. @salemhouse for the gnocchi bake card! I love gnocchi ever since I first tried it while visiting a friend in Boston many years ago. But it’s been awhile- I will definitely try out this recipe!


668 is in the mailbox

I’ll join 672 please

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Group 664
@CrimsonKing My parents once took a tour of Greece - lots of ruins! was their summary.
@BarbL Being on the receiving end of medical care can be quite frustrating! Good luck!


@Citrine28 Thank you Karissa for adding to my Pantone collection! :smiley: Hope you had fun at the amusement park. :smiley:

@salemhouse Thank you Ann for the toy museum card! Ack, nothing like young nieces and nephews to get ahold of your childhood toys and accidentally destroy them. :frowning:

@uconn Thanks James for this cottage house design! It has 6 bedrooms and 1, ONE bath, haha!! Oh man, that wouldn’t fly with me, lol.