[RR] Winner Takes All RR - North America Edition - Looking for NEW host

Hello, I’d like to join Group 5. I’ll send you a message with my address.

Thanks. :smile:

I have updated :slight_smile: . Thanks to everyone for joining!

I’d like to join groups 3, S1 and S4, please :slight_smile:

@wayness welcome!

I have updated :smiley:.

I would like to join Group 5 please. :smiley: Thank you.

Awesome :sunglasses:!

I have updated :slight_smile:.

@meritahti, Do you want us to update on the old forum for groups that started over there?

I’ve sent FF190’s card.


This is a different RR - that is the worldwide one. Thubcabe is still running that one.

Oops! My mistake.

Is the NA edition brand new, or did I just never find it on the old forum?

It’s brand new :slight_smile:.

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Got it, thanks @meritahti!

I would like to join groups 2, 4, 8, and FF1.

Updated - thank you for joining :blush:!

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May I join FF1?

@Beachyblonde Thanks for joining!

I have updated :smiley:.

Edit: I put an extra spot so other people would know it is still open (no limits on FF groups), but there’s already the minimum amount needed to close FF1 (Yay :smiley:!). I’m just waiting until Friday to close it.

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I’d like to join FF1 and L1 :smiley:

For Group L1:
2, 6, 12, 21, 28

Thank you!

Everything is updated :smiley:!

I’d like to join Group L1 with numbers 5, 9, 22, 23, 28

I’m thinking it’s okay for more than one person in a group to choose the same number. If that’s incorrect, let me know, and I’ll change the 28 to something else.

Thanks! :grin:

I don’t see why it would be a problem :wink:.

Everything is updated :blush:.

Can I join L1 with numbers 7, 11, 15, 20, and 26 please?

I have updated - thank you for joining! :grin: