[RR] US to US Themes RR

Group 430, from @Bakersmom - Thank you for the very cool Saturn postcard! Sharon, the Massachusetts winters are definitely getting to me! This winter was pretty mild but I was still clamoring for Spring. Now that’s it’s finally here, I’m resolved to enjoy every single moment. But a move to a warmer state definitely sounds appealing.


Group #415

Thank you @TeachLittleKids for the cat postcard! It’s so cute!! :cat2:

Group #418

Thank you @TeachLittleKids for the awesome Big Hero 6 card! It’s one of my favorite Disney movies, so great choice! :european_castle:

Group #430

Thank you @Bakersmom for the wonderful jellyfish postcard! I too just came home from a trip to NYC a couple of weeks ago and my heart is still there! It is definitely my happy place! :purple_heart:

Thank you @kanosis for the beautiful Desert Mallow flower postcard! It is so pretty! I have been planting lots of flowers recently. Hopefully they bloom soon! :tulip: :cherry_blossom:

Thank you @Cocosmom for the awesome NYC card! I am named after Brooklyn, New York! :apple: NYC is a very special place for me and my family and a part of my heart is always there! Currently, I am reading “Just for the Summer” by Abby Jimenez. So far it is pretty good, but I’m only about half way finished. :grin:


Can I be added to group #432? Thank you! :hugs:

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Group 419
@TeachLittleKids Sent a great card for my classroom of kindness

Group 414
@saoirse253 Sent a great large letter Tacoma card. I don’t have one of these



Group 435 Box Sets

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435 mailed

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Group 390 - received my last card from #1 @nursegarry I’ve heard pigs are extremely smart and trainable too! They are cute in their own ways :slight_smile:


Received from Group # 430
@Wynnie Thank you so much for the card of NOLA . I have visited New Orleans and eaten some amazing food.



Received from @Wynnie Group RR #430

I love NOLA - thank you so much!
Yes, my little dog’s name is Baker.


Group #435 Going out today!

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Received envelopes for Group 426 from @Hazygirl and @BarbL. Thank you so much for the generous goodies. What a nice surprise. This was my first of such to participate in and I think I have a better understanding of how it works. Much :heart:


Group 426

Thank you @Hazygirl for the envelope of excellent goodies! Postcards, greeting card, stickers galore, and washi samples! And more! Thank you again! :hugs:


:blue_heart: :smile:

I’ll join Group 436 please :blush:

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Group 426
@saoirse253 sent an envelope full of great goodies.


Got my first card back today for Group 430 (Eyes Closed)
This one is from @skatingjerry

That is a “Selkirk Rex” breed of cat. As a person with OCD tendencies, I would probably spend a lot of time brushing this curly little cutie. Thanks!


Group 342
Received a nice card of inner clock works from @kanosis

Waiting for cards from: #1, #3

Please sign me up for Group 396


Group 423 - Maps
@kanosis Flora & Fauna of the US - lots of things you’ll never find in Minnesota!


Group 430, from @sleepyhippo1 - Hi Marcella, I just LOVE the Sunflower postcard - the smaller size is so precious. Thank you for the great stamps and the little dog sticker. I hope the fires soon get under control and the smoke clears … so sad that this happens.

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Group 430, from @brooklynh - thank you for your “Dotters Books” postcard! I do like to read, but I have to admit I mostly end up reading various articles and essays on the internet. I am considering starting the “Outlander” books by Diana Gabaldon.