[RR] US to US Themes RR

May I join 449, 453, 454, 455 please?

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Grp. 402 @ayellowdaffodil
Received a card from Mai of creative bookstore. Really a beautiful place. Thank you!!


Group 430 Thanks Judy @TeachLittleKids for the Egyptian musician :banjo:


I’d like to join Group 450 with number 10.

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May I join #448 and #449, please! Thank you!

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Group 430 (Eyes Closed) Got back my 6th out of 8 cards in my box today.
A wonderful card of a Ukrainian Sweet Shop (Illustrator Nataliia Pavliuk)
Card is from @Cocosmom
Thank you!


Can I be added to groups #453 & #454? Thank you! :purple_heart:

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Group #430
Thank you @skatingjerry for the awesome Halloween postcard! It’s definitely one of my favorite holidays! :jack_o_lantern:

Group #432
Thank you @l2y for the Boat Builders postcard! I love Donald Duck so this card is awesome! Prince is one of my favorite artists as well! My favorite song ever since I was little has been “Raspberry Beret” :blush:


Group 396
@kanosis sent the perfect card for flip - pancakes being flipped and it’s by Pooh so that’s a bonus!


GROUP 439 (cats)

@TeachLittleKids - Blue cats riding on a dragon over China’s Great Wall. Thank you. I love the card.

GROUP 441 (transportation)

@skatingjerry - an illustration of the Mayflower. Thank you. I can’t imagine choosing to leave one’s home forever to travel on a dangerous and uncomfortable ship to a mostly unknown continent! I definitely don’t have the temperament to be an explorer or pioneer.

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Received an honorary card for Group 405 from @hootnoodle - thank you! This one matches so many of my collections! I think snorkeling is sport? It counts! Today I’ll be working with dogs again for the first time in a while. I am excited, but it’s going to be a hot day.


group 405 postcards are traveling

group 427
@Calicobeer - thank you so much for the fantastic bc ferry postcard! after a quick google it turns out that this ferry does still exist! who knew, haha. i am originally from ontario, so like detroit-adjacent lol :ferry:

group 431
@Calicobeer - thank you for the hilarious statue of liberty postcard :statue_of_liberty: i am terrible at hailing cabs so i stick mostly to the aubway and walk while i am in nyc haha

group 434
@Hazygirl - thank you for the beautiful hufflepuff house postcard! :badger: i love the elegant design and its so shiny~ would love to collect all four of them too! :two_hearts:

@Fangirllt - thank you so much for the harry potter-themed book cover from minalima! i love the retro-vibe of the art work so much~ i hope you are enjoying your vacation :sunglasses:

@pixxi88 - another minalima postcard; thank you so much! :man_mage::two_hearts: i hope you are keeping cool~ the weather here is also getting hotter which makes it the perfect weather to relax near the ocean haha

group 435
@mcrxmy - thank you so much for the adorable ghibli/totoro postcard :leaves: i hope you got a chance to indulge your sweet tooth!

thank you everyone for all the postcards, decorations, cool stamps and messages! :two_hearts::sparkles:


may i join 437, 443 and 450 (number 8, please!)?


Group #405
Thank you @hootnoodle for the awesome postcard showing the Dodgers stadium! I love the cards that show off the different stadiums around the country! I’m a big Seattle Mariners, Kraken, and Seahawks fan haha! :stadium:

Group #432
Thank you @Fangirllt for the Incredibles postcard! They are some of my favorite Pixar movies. When the second one came out I went to the movies 4 different times to watch it haha! :laughing:


Add me to 450 #5 please

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I would like to join group #453 (3 unwritten)

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Hi! Could I join 422 and 445


Welcome to the RR, @Imhowl & @jendallas! :smile:


Have received some great things in the mail this week:
@nursegarry I love your questions re this Star Wars costume, and agree. Whoever created it must be a very interesting person. And who ever had to wear it (for probably hours), Woah! Group 433-Star Wars

@hootnoodle , I’m always fascinated by modern art paintings. I don’t always get it, but it’s usually hard to pull my attention away from it. Group 438-color


Group 438 going in the mail!!

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