[RR] North American Round Robin May 2024 - The Allergy Season Edition - Closed

#11 updating

Today was a great mail day!

#9 @WrenAtTheBeach - a beautiful Lou paper card. We have had no plans for may! My kids are finishing the school year and that’s about it. Nothing exciting, unfortunately!

#13 @ladybug513 - a cool Schooner Adventure card. What a cool boat! That would definitely be a fun adventure!

#14 @Hazygirl - a cool daring dame postcard. Love her! I wish I was somewhere she is right now! I need a vacation.

#22 @uconn - a pink damask rose. Beautiful! I love the resident show! I got hooked on Deal or No Deal Island and I’m currently watching the finale. A pins all show sounds fun! I’ve never been to one! That’s something my boys would love to go too.

#24 @roxy - a Peking card for my May challenge “14th card in stack”. I love when others do challenges so I thought I’d try one this month. It does make it super easy to choose one to mail.

#25 @virgomar0918 - a cool card of mailboxes. I too, am so glad I found postcrossing! It has been so fun swapping and meeting new people!

I have received from: 5, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30


#21 Reporting
Received: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30
Looking forward to: 1, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 23, 28

#2 @CrimsonKing sent a vintage cowboy postcard. Good find! Im always looking for new places to find good vintage cards

#3 @cruzin sent a ghost tree postcard. Thabk you for the beautiful stamps

#6 @mikeyz1 sent a Washington glitter grapes card. Cab is my favorite! :wine_glass: cheers

#24 @roxy sent a cemetery postcard. Love the beautiful detail. Id love to walk through there

#29 @melvnoble sent a vintage high school postcard. How cool that your mom actually went there!


#20 Triol
Today morning all my cards was sent!

#6 all my cards have been sent since the weekend.

Here is a first round to report:

#7 @tia272 sent a great Make Art, Not War card! Amen!

#12 @CalicoBeer sent a fun card of astronauts, a dream job!

#13 @ladybug513 sent me a great Picasso card! I always love seeing his artwork. He had so many different phases. This was an early phase before he got crazy!

#24 @roxy sent a nice map of Alberta!

#27 @sraelling sent a great Minnesota barn card! The train ride east sounds great!

#29 @melvnoble sent a nice card from Pike Place Market, a favorite destination even though I don’t eat fish!


#28 reporting cards received:

#2 @CrimsonKing sent an all purple card for my challenge; purple for peace. I think these are actually hanging light fixtures, replicated into infinity and colored purple. Interesting what cards we end up with in our stash. I have to put wear purple on my calendar.

#5 @Sharontup sent a Virginia map card for one of my challenges. Virginia is definitely pretty to visit this time of year.

#7 @tia272 a cute Basset Hound on a purple background from the Dog Box. Thanks also for telling me something about how wear purple for peace day evolved since I actually had not done any background research before choosing that as a challenge. :joy:

#9 @WrenAtTheBeach sent a telephone in the style reminding me of Andy Warhol. I wrote back to you on my card about my decluttering efforts as well. We at least had an initial goal/date for donation to our church yard sale/youth fund raiser so that was super motivating. Now, we still have as much or more decluttering to do and I’ll have to find new reasons to be motivated to do it.

#11 @sarahgrab1 sent a card with lavender plants for the purple challenge. The only plans we have at this moment are a beach week at the end of June in Rehoboth Beach, DE. I love doing this. As a creature of habit we always stay at the same place and probably do the same things!

#13 @Ladybug513 sent a purple walrus from an Eric Carle boxed set. Oh my gosh, how lucky for you to get those freebies. While recently decluttering I found a shelf of children’s books and they were primarily various Eric Carle books I had saved. My daughter, who now has young children asked me why I gave away all the other books. (I had over 300 children’s books which I had acquired over years of working at the kids’ library book sales). I ultimately donated them all to my youngest daughter’s small school. I made that decision because if you let books sit long enough without using them, the tend to turn yellow and musty. I thought someone should be able to use them and enjoy them instead.

#14 @Hazygirl sent purple Candy Land. I remember it well. That and Chutes and Ladders and Hi Ho Cherry-O. You meant this card for the May NARR right? The label said April but you already sent me a card for April. Just making sure.
You don’t need to respond if the card is meant for May.

#16 @jacieslar sent a woman on the telephone. I agree this looks like a M.A.S.H. unit situation. So far, my May has been filled with all kinds of weather!
:sunny: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :wind_face:

#17 @KimberlyOR sent the papersisters PEACE card with rainbow. Thank you for the condolences about my dog. She was a good one. I went to the Dr. for a regular checkup today and they always ask you about how much exercise you get. My hobbies are very sedentary. The most walking we usually do is when we go on vacation and then it’s overkill for 2 weeks. I also should just walk (how many years have I been saying that?).

#19 @ellistrations sent GF the Grand Canyon. I did reply on my postcard back to you about reorganizing my Flickr page. I don’t have more cards (except the usual) but I’ve been trying to get them grouped more logically so it’s not such a chore to look at it people want to.

#21 @Calisunshine sent a giraffe in the tub for my tub challenge. Where are you going on your cruise? We have one planned for mid-September starting in Paris and ending eventually in Switzerland. I’m debating buying a new suitcase.

#22 @uconn sent purple flowers. How was your weekend at the farm house? When my kids were really young we stayed at a working farm B&B in Amish Country. It was definitely a different experience. (a lot of cats)

#24 @roxy sent PEACE printed in 23 languages. Cool.

#27 @sraelling sent a RPPC of a Snowy Owl in mid-yawn. I had no idea the inside of their mouths are so bright red! He looks very adorable. When my bird was a baby I used to take him in the car with me to run errands. I would put a cloth diaper inside my shirt and tuck him in there. He was very happy to take a nap and ride along. That would never happen now.

#29 @melvnoble sent a night view of Pittsburgh. The night sky does look purple. Thank you.

#30 @YOIYUMTEWA Sent an aerial view of the Ohio Turnpike showing a service plaza. I don’t think it’s odd given the types of postcards from that era. Compared to more modern ones :sleeping:


#19 received:

#7 @tia272 - thank you! Thunderstorms are perfect for writing cards. It’s currently raining here, a nice straight downpour. Helps freshen up our apartment and the breeze is nice.

#13 @ladybug513 - thank you! Sounds like it would be a fun trip to have some day!

#16 @jacieslar - thank you! We don’t have a house, yet, but I am looking forward to the house-related chores we will have to make it our own. Though, I’m awful at projects, haha!

#17 @KimberlyOR - thank you! When I grew up in Hawaii, Sanrio was huge there and I bought a bunch back then, too. When you come to SC, definitely visit the coast - more specifically Charleston and Hilton Head Island. I don’t know much about the mountains. If you like theme parks, there is one near us (Carowinds) that is on the state line of NC and SC.

#25 @virgomar0918 - thank you! Work trips full of conferences sound like such a drag! Bet you were happy to be back home, haha!


#4 reporting cards received from 7, 12,13 and 17

#7 @tia272 gave me the bird. Literally; but not in a bad way. :slight_smile: This is Gralha Azul by Maureen Miranda. A great Blue bird card.

#12 @CalicoBeer sent me another perfect stranger for my collection. This one from It’s Cool: 100 Postcards. Hard to pick just one, but the song I crank up every time it comes on is Baker Street by Jerry Rafferty. I just love the sax!:saxophone:

#13 @ladybug513 sent a new clock card to add my collection. Nice note about the pen too!

#17 @KimberlyOR sent the St. Johns Bridge. Glad you had a good day away. The Oregon coast is just full of beauty. We have beauty here as well, but it is a very different kind.

Thanks everyone for these wonderful additions to my collections!


#2 reporting

#6 @mikeyz1 Thank you Mike for this Tiffany card! :smiley: I wish I still had cable, haven’t had it for a couple of years now and I miss watching The Gilded Age show! Hopefully we’ll get cable soon though once finances settle in a couple of months. :smiley:


#14 hazygirl reporting

#6 @mikeyz1 sent North Dakota. I’d love to get there someday if it’s half as nice as South Dakota it’s probably great

#7 @tia272 Sent an Edward Gorey card. It sounds like your neighborhood is very nice. I spent a lot of time in Massachusetts as a kid, but in Weymouth.

#3 @Cruzin Sent a great illustration with the zodiacs in the sky. I hope your knee is feeling better soon.

#25 @virgomar0918 send an excellent year of the dragon card. I don’t think I have this one

#26 @sarahaeyo sent gorgeous lanterns. I bet you’re having a great time in Hong Kong. It’s always nice to get together with family. I love the teapot stamp too.
#29 @melvnoble Sent A terrific illustration. I never really thought to check in art market for cards. What a good idea.


18 reporting

I mailed my last cards today!

26 received: 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 29
6 @mikeyz1 - thank you so much for this postcard with a beautiful and wholesome message :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: the world would be a better place, if we all were just a little bit kinder to each other :two_hearts:

13 @ladybug513 - thank you so much for the bright and sunny eric carle postcard from my favourites :sun_with_face: i have always wanted to visit the eric carle musuem but it is a bit tough to get to without easy access to a car :sweat_smile:

14 @HazyGirl - thank you so much for this space theme postcard :ringer_planet: i have a few trips planned in august (to hartford for the great american stamp show and syracuse (maybe) at the end of the summer); all by train - i am very excited! :mountain_railway:

15 @AccentOnHakes - sends a blast from the past for my millennial themed collection :world_map::compass: haha we were a mapquest family; i feel like the family car’s front compartment still has stapled print outs of directions to destinations that have long gone out of business. how did we ever survive without gps or google maps haha.

16 @jacieslar - thank you so much for this gorgeous iris postcard🪻 my mom’s name is actually iris haha~ we have a few in our yard and they have been thriving! :two_hearts:

17 @KimberlyOR - thank you so much for the wonderful peace-themed papersisters card! :rainbow::dove: i had the joy of visiting portland a couple of summers ago and i loved it; and i agree i totally could have spent the whole trip at cute coffeeshops (that and cute bookstores!) haha

22 @uconn - thank you so much for this vintage doll themed usps stamp postcard! :nesting_dolls:hope you had a lovely time in PA~ it sounds like a fun time!

29 @melvnoble - thank you for the national museum of american history postcard featuring the fashions of the most recent first ladies! :dress: LOVE jackie kennedy’s cape-dress, in the front there!

thank you everyone for the wonderful messages, postcards, decorations and stamps! :love_letter:


#17 reporting in!
Rec’d from 7, 14, 21, 24, 29

#7 @tia272 Love to meet another beach person! Thanks for the postcard of great whitey, and I loved the cute carb stickers :slight_smile: Hope we both get to enjoy the beach lots this summer!

#14 @Hazygirl Hey JoAnn, what fun summer plans you have. I’ve never been to KY but it’s on my list. My plans this summer are heavy on relaxation :slight_smile: Thanks for the adorable cat postcard!

#21 @Calisunshine I’m surprised you even get to read on vacation with all the kiddos underfoot! HUGE respect to moms :heart: And thanks for the adorable puppy card and stickers.

#24 @roxy Love the Toronto postcard, thanks Brenda! And I love every Canadian stamp I’ve ever seen. Amazing bison stamp, thank you :slight_smile:

#29 @melvnoble Love the historical ship postcard, thank you! How fun to go to a postcard show. I would be in trouble :smiley:


#25 cards received from 2, 3, 6, 7, 11, 16, 24, 29

Thanks for the lovely cards all- I was away for a few days and came to a stuffed mailbox!! I am catching up on reporting all😊

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#13 with more postcards to report from:

#2 @CrimsonKing – Thank you for this thirsty ladybug! I haven’t seen any ladybugs outside as of yet, but we do get them wintering in the house. A few of them have come out of hiding and can be found on our windowsills. I very carefully pick them up and take them outside. Hope they make it!

#3 @cruzin – Thank you very much for the great dragon you sent! Giuliana will love it! Cute polar bear sticker, too. Crutches! Oh, dear. One little random motion on our part can really screw us up. I’m not sure what I did, but a heel spur that hasn’t bothered me in at least 20 years has decided to rear its ugly self. I’m limping. Sigh.

#6 @mikeyz1 – Thank you for the cows for Josie! They will go right into her album. Both she and her sister, Giuliana, get so excited to add to their collections. I will keep an eye out for Villette’s favorites. Does she still like pigs, too?

#7 @tia272 – Thank you for the sweet polar bear card for Josephine and for the addition to my Campbell’s collection! New England Clam Chowder – yum? Not to my liking either! I’ve never dug for clams but have been crabbing. Once when I was a child, we were crabbing from a rowboat out on the bay when a crab got loose and started scuttling about. My mother and aunt were having fits while my father and uncle tried to catch the sucker which hid under one of the seats. It was pretty funny. Good times!

#14 @Hazygirl – Thank you for the colorful coffee grinder, washi and stickers! I only drink a partial cup of coffee with breakfast. It does smell good, especially when you first open a new bag or can. I began drinking coffee as a child. My grandmother would pour me a glass of half coffee/half milk to drink with my breakfast! Those were the days!

#16 @jacieslar – Grandma’s Strawberry Shortcake recipe! Yum! Love a good Strawberry Shortcake. I’m a pretty decent baker, but the one time I tried to make shortcake, it pretty much crumbled when I tried to layer it with the strawberries and whipped cream. Shortcake cupcakes just might work!

#22 @uconn – Thank you very much for the Key Biscayne Lighthouse! Makes me wish for blue skies (it’s raining here) and a warm day at the beach. I wish I had known about the pinball expo in Allentown. It sounds like fun and Allentown is only a little over an hour from our home. Maybe next year.

#25 @virgomar0918 – Thank you so much for the Year of the Dragon you sent! This is turning out to be a good year for collecting dragons! The weather has been great for Spring flowers. It’s a beautiful time of the year. Love the dogwoods, in particular. Our Iris are in bloom. Happy Spring!

#26 @sarahaeyo – Thank you so much for this very cool dragon card mailed from Hong Kong! It’s not scary at all. To experience another culture is such a wonderful thing. I’m sure a new adventure is in your future!

#29 @melvnoble – Thank you very much for this card from the Postal Museum! I’ve been to the Postal Museum a few times for meet-ups. Love it there. Always liked this postcard, too. I have been watching Numbers and Northern Exposure (which is so politically incorrect!).


#6 reporting

#2 @CrimsonKing sent me an adorable raccoon card!

#3 @Cruzin sent me what looks like an awesome Farmers Market haul!

#4 @4kids2pay4 sent me a nice card of Bartlett Hall at Iowa State

#5 @Sharontup sent me a great card of a crossing guard along with a nice note about the year you did it.

#9 @WrenAtTheBeach sent a great message card (Be Kind to Animals!). I am teaching this Summer, started on Monday. I have the second half of the Summer off.

#11 @sarahgrab1 sent me a great image of Ganesh!

#14 @Hazygirl sent me adorable birds!

#15 @AccentOnHakes snet me a great Wisconsin barn!

#16 @jacieslar sent me the University of Arizona logo.

#17 @KimberlyOR sent a great Peace card along with an inspiring note about your time on the suicide prevention hotline.

#18 @LaurenceB sent me a nice card and stamps, with the card featuring artwork by Mykhajlo Urban from the Ukranian Instiute of Modern Art in Chicago, a place I’ve wanted to visit.

#19 @ellistrations sent me the cutest raccoon!

#21 @Calisunshine sent me a great fashion card!

#22 @uconn sent me a great vintage card of the Peoria IL county courthouse and post office. I grew up across the river from Peoria and so was excited to see this old friend!

#25 @virgomar0918 sent me my favorite, cardinals.

#30 @YOIYUMTEWA sent me a beautiful flower card! Love it!!

Thanks everyone for great cards!!!


I think they always do the 1st weekend of May.

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#2 reporting

#8 @Shesa-Renegade Thank you René for this orange Alaskan sunset! :orange_heart: Oh yeah cross stitching has changed over the years: fancier threads, different colored aida, it’s awesome! :sewing_needle: :thread:

#23 @suatelier Thank you Charlotte for this orange card as well! :orange_heart: :saluting_face: Yeah, if only the weather would do what we want it to, hehe! I’d be mixing it up all the time. :smiley: With all the cottonwood fluff flying around, it looks like it’s snowing and it’s setting off my allergies, yay (sarcasm, lol).


#22 uconn

#3 @Cruzin

Good card for ‘people’. Can’t say i recognize anyone :wink:

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#12 reporting this card from #13 @ladybug513 (There may be more when the mail comes today, but I have to geek out about this one!)

Susan, I am OBSESSED with abandoned prisons & hospitals, and Eastern State Penitentiary is at the top of my list that I want to see in person. OMG!! This is such a perfect card for me, and it may get the place of honor on the fridge. It’s a big card, but I dont mind spreading things out. I once explored an abandoned prison farm in Atlanta, and I took a shot very similar to this one. I still remember everything about that trip. Everything about this just makes my creative brain SPARK. Peeling paint & rust are so textural that you can almost feel this under your hand. The light & the shadow provides an atmosphere that you can smell & you can hear. The stories these walls have… just, wow.

You made my day!!

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Sorry for being late in updating. I have been away visiting family in Virginia.
All cards were sent out May 1st.
received 2,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14,15,16,17,18,19, 20, 21,22, 23, 24,25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30

#2 @CrimsonKing sent a perfect card from my wishlist it’s pink, it’s got an adorable hamster AND glitter. I love all things sparkly.

#3 @cruzin sent me the pinkest of pink cards. Thank you

#4 @4kids2pay4 sent some pink cherry blossoms from Washington DC I love the cabbage patch doll stamp too. I got one of those dolls that year, too. I still remember his name, Paxton Max.

#6 @mikeyz1 sent a skeleton rabbit card. I have a pet rabbit I keep indoors and a family of wild rabbits hang out in our back yard. We have some scary dogs nearby, a German Sheppard and a pit bull. Our Puggle could not catch a rabbit if it was caught in a trap so the rabbits must figure our yard is the safest.

#7 @tia272 pink card with napping cats. I love Wards berry farm. They are pricy but picking your own fresh strawberries are the best!! I love the sparkly stickers on the back of the card, too thank you

#9 @Wrenatthebeach. I love the image on this card. I am keeping this one on display. I just flew home today from visiting my son and grandson in Virginia. For the rest of May. It’s gardening time for me. Time to plant my tomatoes and cucumbers and sit back to watch them grow

#11 @sarahgrab1 this fun Cow card with pink background. I just realized his tongue is in his nose. Hope you are being safe in Tennessee. My grandaughter lives in Clarksville and the town got hit with another tornadoes. I stop breathing every time I hear of tornadoes there.

#12 @CalicoBeer sent me an “all things pink” card. Perfect!! What do I collect… my husband would say Way too much stuff. I am a collector of craft supplies. Once I try something new, I tend to go overboard and buy too much stuff to go with it

#8 @Shesa-Renegade sent a beautiful pink California card. I keep telling my husband (a general contractor) that I want him to build me a tiny home. He keeps refusing saying he will NEVER live in a tiny home. I try to tell him in a nice way that he is way older than I am so it’s for after he is gone. Then I can live in it myself and move it to different parts of the country where are kids live. He just doesn’t get it. I will have to build it myself

#13 @Ladybug513 sent me a fun Barbie card. Thanks for the great card and all the pink stickers. Perfect for my May Challenge

#14 @Hazygirl sent a rabbit card I agree, a very calming quiet scene even the details of the tiny dragonfly are perfect. Thank you

#15 @AccentOnHakes

sent this breast cancer awareness card. Too many of my close friends have been or are still being treated for breast cancer. A terrible battle.
As far as crafts. My latest project has been sewing. I found some outdoor chairs on Facebook marketplace. And I am making new cushions for them
I already sanded the chairs and repainted them.