[RR] North American Round Robin May 2024 - The Allergy Season Edition - Closed


@cawindt #1 Thanks for the Cairo card! Wow, you have a busy month for sure. Hope it’s a good busy!
@Shesa-Renegade #8 Love the San Diego card! Yes, things change so fast…
@nhigh #10 Thanks for the MN card. Sailing around the world!! Wow!
@Triol #20 Thank you for the sunflowers! Is it still cool in NJ? Most places seem hotter than usual this year, including here.

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#8 Shesa-Renegade here with 4 more received cards!!!

#3 @Cruzin sent a fun postcard made from a box of danish. You are right! This box does make an awesome postcard. I love this so much!

#10 @nhigh sent a wonderful postcard to remind me to vote! I truly do feel like one of the luckiest women in the world to be living in a free society. I will do everything I can to keep our democracy intact, as well as the rights of women! I have just joined a book club this month. We are reading There There by Tommy Orange. It’s okay, but not my typical genre and I find it difficult to stay engaged.

#25 @virgomar0918 sent a wonderful tree-hugger postcard for World Postcard Day 2023. This has inspired me for my postcard for this year! I love that this also filled the “free” challenge. Thank you!!

#26 @sarahaeyo sends a gorgeous card of the hall of Tun Wah Museum…and how lucky am I that it has been sent from Hong Kong! I hope that you have had a wonderful vacation. I leave for mine next week and I can’t wait!

Received: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
So excited for 24


18 reporting!

3 @Cruzin Thank you for the cute little fox. The flamingo sticker is awesome!! Not a fan of tequila here, but any reason to eat tacos is a good one!

4 @4kids2pay4 Thank you so much for the amazing vintage GF Boise! You have to go to Vermont. It’s funny, I have been so often! The bike path in Burlington is worth it.

8 @Shesa-Renegade Thank you soo much for an amazing retro hotel card - from Hawaii!! You get all the points for that awesome pool!!

10 @nhigh Thank you sooo much for another GREAT USPS card :smiley: Love it!! This series was truly amazing!

11 @sarahgrab1 This card is just perfect!! Thank you so much!!! Not too many summer plans - a few day trips probably, and hopefully some time to relax!

15 @AccentOnHakes Thank you very much for the sandhill cranes!! Are they as scary as wild turkeys? :stuck_out_tongue:

20 @Triol Thank you very much for a cute little tiger and baby :smiley: Weather has been all over the place here as well. Hopefully we can start the pool season this weekend.


#29 - Two more postcards came this week!

#1 @cawindt - Thank you, Craig, for this Ancient Olympia, Greece postcard! I love the Olympic-themed stamps, too! The stamp stamp is fun! I hope the rest of May treated you well and that the AP US History reading went fantastic. May was a weird month, and I’m not sure I’m ready for June and summer, but here we are! :laughing:

#10 @nhigh - Thank you, Naomi, for this postcard of all the US Presidents through Obama! I have yet to see one that includes Trump and/or Biden! To be honest, I don’t know if I have a favorite president. When I was a kid, I really admired Washington.

#4 still receiving cards for May. #26 and #28.

#26 @sarahaeyo sent the Tsing Ma Bridge, Landau Link which allows travel from the airport to Hong Kong. Great card choice for me! Hope you enjoyed the visit with your family.

#28 @TwoDoggies sent another great choice, a walking bridge. I know what you are going through, I think I am still clearing stuff from my house that my mother and wife’s mother have passed down over the years. Some of it I wonder what they were thinking when they held onto it for so long. Hopefully the decluttering continues to go well for you.

Thanks to both of you for these great cards.


#12 reporting a card received from #1!

@cawindt sent a great shot of Chicago. I love Chicago and the architectural tour! What a fun city.

Just need 4, 5, & 18. I’m sure the Atlanta sorting facility has them.somewhere. ha ha!

#2 reporting

#10 @nhigh Thank you Naomi for the Powerpuff Girls card! I watched this show in my young twenties, I still like it, haha. Mojo Jojo!!

#12 @CalicoBeer Thank you Victoria for this orangish card! :orange_heart: It took me a bit to like Pantone, but seeing all the varying colors brightens the day and mood a bit. :smiley: I’ll look into this set, looks neat.

#26 @sarahaeyo Thank you Sarah for this card with chickens on it! :chicken: How was your trip to see family?! It’s always nice to see them, but when you leave you miss them just about immediately. I hope you had a blast out there and bought many cards! :smiley:


#23 reporting

#4 @4kids2pay4 Thank you for the ADG Route 66 card! Exactly why I’d love to visit every corner of the world! A pipe dream but this world definitely has gorgeous scenery everywhere

#7 @tia272 Thank you for the Boston view card! I think I’ve been to this very Waterfront last year! I loved Boston and hope to visit again

#8 @Shesa-Renegade Thank you for the Bristol LP card! Sadly didn’t see the Northern Lights. It was way too cloudy and I didn’t want to drive up North!

#20 @Triol Thank you for the GF Florida card! Have you started gardening yet? I feel like everyone around me had a slow start this year


25 card received from 23 @suatelier thanks for the blue cats card! I hope you get to go on vacay soon!

#22 uconn

#23 @suatelier Thanks for this view and stamps
Neat hot air balloon stamp

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#8 Shesa-Renegade reporting in with my last received postcard for May! #24 @roxy sent a fabulous postcard from Salem, Massachusetts! I visited the town back in 2012 and thought the same thing about the rich history in that area. Thank you for this wonderful postcard, and I’m so glad that you had a great time on your trip!

All cards received for May!


Dated 1 May. Received today 4 june…

From Tennessee! One state away…

#10 received from #11 @sarahgrab1

The beautiful Havasu Falls part of the Havasupai tribal lands in Arizona at Grand Canyon NP.

Thanks Sarah!


It took the scenic route! Glad it finally arrived!

#25 received card from #4 @4kids2pay4

Thanks for the mermaid card- I have not received any pens yet from fellow post crossers- that’s cool you have😁


#25 card received from #18 @LaurenceB thabls for the pin up - another for my small collection! Did you get to see the northern lights? I was in Scotland and it was too cloudy!

#28 reporting two cards:

#12 @CalicoBeer Purple balloons for my purple challenge. Both Atlanta & Richmond, VA have been in the news because the “improvements” to the USPS in those cities have proved an epic fail. As proof, your postcard was postmarked May 14th and I received if June 4th, an epic 21 days between our cities which are about a 10 hour drive apart. Plus, I have to ask why you are terrified of balloons. That’s a pretty severe statement.

#15 @AccentOnHakes sent a city view of Madison, WI. A picnic on a rainy day sounds like a fine idea to me.

@TwoDoggies Balloons scare the crap out of me because I hate sudden loud noises, and balloons can pop at any time. I can’t stand to be around them. LOL

#12 reporting a card from #4 @4kids2pay4 !

What a great trip that sounds like! I’d love to tour Alaska. I want to take an airboat through the Everglades, but I never thought about doing it in Alaska! Was it cold?

Thank you!! Postmarked May 2nd, received June 4th. LOL!

Still waiting on cards from 5 & 18.

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@CalicoBeer - It was definitely a fun trip and worth every penny we spent. They had heavy oversized pants and coats to wear, so it was not as cold as one would think, but I still kept my hands in my jacket pockets most of the time. Glad it finally arrived.

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A hat trick of cards arrived!

From #1 @cawindt the movable bookcase at the Anne Frank house. Amazing! You’re not the only one who had not discerned “Señora Elling” from my user name, so don’t feel too bad. I’d been called that for more than 20 years, so it seemed appropriate. :grin:

From #10 @nhigh a “greetings from Texas” card. Yep. It’ll be a bit warmer in August there! :hot_face:

And #23 @suatelier sent an illustration of cacti. One would think that cacti would like the sunshine…I don’t have a very green thumb. :potted_plant:

Thanks to you all! :heart::heart::heart: All have arrived!:partying_face:

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