[RR] North American Round Robin May 2024 - The Allergy Season Edition - Closed

#3 received

#2 @CrimsonKing Great card for my May Challenge!

#6 @mikeyz1 Lavender! We have a lot growing around here in the yards - but the gardener’s keep hacking it….

#7 @tia272 Great Tausendchon card!! I love cooking in the slow cooker!

#8 @Shesa-Renegade I love cozy rainy days!

#9 @WrenAtTheBeach Beautiful photo you took! Whole house declutter?!? I’m lucky if I can manage a drawer!

#12 @CalicoBeer Love this card!! I can’t think right now what my favorite movie is…I do love Indie films!

#14 @Hazygirl Great bunny sticker on back to match theme of card! No plans - except maybe knee replacement!

#19 @ellistrations Funny dog!! Mine I think looks at me with the attitude of “oh yea, you live here too with me and my wonderful human”. She loves hubby, tolerates me - even though I’m the one that feeds her!

#23 @suatelier Bambi concept art with Thumper!

#24 @roxy Great Salem card!!

#29 @melvnoble Nice bunny illustration!! We used to have a ton in the neighborhood but haven’t seen one in ages! We have a lot of predatory birds and animals around us though.

#30 @YOIYUMTEWA Pea Soup Anderson!! We used to always stop there when I was a kid on our way to Lake Shasta!

Thank you all for the great cards, words and stamps!


#22 uconn

#18 @LaurenceB
Great dino card. Cool stamps too. Your Feb card was delivered today too!!

#11 updating:

#2 @CrimsonKing - a Texas longhorn card. Love him! I wouldn’t want to get hit by him!

#3 @Cruzin - a Winchester mystery house card. Spooky and cool! I’d love to see it in person!

#6 @mikeyz1 - a Bryce Canyon card. We have spent a lot of time outdoors this month before it gets too hot! We hike at local spots here in Tennessee.

#7 @tia272 - a witch city Salem Massachusetts card. I love it, I can’t wait for the spooky season to begin. I want to visit there soon!

#8 @Shesa-Renegade - a beautiful outdoorsy card! Super jealous you get to go to Portugal and Spain! How fun! Covid sure ruined a bunch of stuff but I’m glad you get to go now!

#26 @sarahaeyo - a cool Hong Kong card. I love that you are there visiting family! I hope to visit there one day!

#28 @TwoDoggies - The Northwest’s highest peak card. I hope you had a wonderful Sunday brunch with your children. We love Sunday brunch here!

#29 @melvnoble - a cool baseball card. I’m also not a huge sports fan. I will watch it when others are watching and don’t mind it but I don’t actively seek it out to watch. Haha!

I have received: 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
To receive: 1, 4, 10, 12, 18, 20, 23


I’m glad the tips of his horns remained on the card! :cow:

Reporting another unexpected May NARR card

#26 @sarahaeyo: sent this card all the way from Hong Kong. Only took about 20 odd days to get here. Glad to hear you have a chance to spend some extended time with family there… and of course, getting a chance to study the transportation system. You will be happy to hear I recently took the high-speed Bright Line between Miami and West Palm, FL. Smooth, quiet, and stress free. It’s amazing what can be done. Thanks!


#4 reporting cards received from 6, 8, 11, 24 and 29

#6 @mikeyz1 sent the Towing a Caisson Section. I agree sir, we take a lot of things for granted without realizing the level of labor effort to provide such luxuries many of us use on a daily basis.

#8 @Shesa-Renegade sent another perfect stranger card of an individual taking in a full moon at twelve noon in Arctic Alaska. Good luck with your planned projects, hopefully they will all get completed with ease.

#11 @sarahgrab1 sent me clocks! A wonderful addition to my collection. Yes, I too, can browse for hours in a good antique shop looking at the clocks among other interesting artifacts.

#24 @roxy a Starry Night card from Salem, Massachusetts. This will be a fun addition to my fence collection. Hope you had a wonderful trip and safe travels always.

#29 @melvnoble sent Paul Lawrence Peeler and Mary Lou Williams performing at a venue in Pittsburgh, from of an exhibition she attended. Sounds like it would have very interesting to explore that history.

Wonderful cards and messages. Thanks everyone!

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#19 received:

#23 @suatelier - thank you! Here, the weather practically missed Spring and jumped right into summer. It’s either hot and very humid or raining.

#7 reporting:

Received 12, 13, 17, 22, 24, 28, 29

12 @CalicoBeer Thank you for the amazing dancing frog card! Urbex photography is so cool-- I’ve been wanting to find new places like that to explore
13 @ladybug513 Thank you for the beautiful square pear card! I also love to be at the beach with a book and ice cream too. I’m looking forward to a few beach trips this summer too.
17 @KimberlyOR Thank you for the fun pride card. Birding is very hard for me-- I get bored easily. But I’m getting into it a bit more right now because it’s migration season and there are new fun birds around!
22 @uconn Thank you for the cool crane card! I’ve been meaning to watch The Resident but haven’t gotten around to it yet!
24 @roxy Thank you for the cool coffee cup-shaped card! I’m impressed that it made it despite its size. I’m excited to add it to my collection.
28 @TwoDoggies Thank you for the cool frog life cycle card! We’ve been doing a lot of decluttering also-- lots of spring cleaning!
29 @melvnoble Thank you for the cute seagull card! I miss going to the beach and seeing all the time. We have lots of pigeons too, and all sorts of other ‘backyard birds’ that I’ve been trying to learn to identify!


25 card received from 20

Thanks @Triol I don’t have this one in my loupaper collection yet!

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#14 hazygirl reporting

#24 @roxy Sent a cut out Salem Massachusetts card. This is so cool.
#28 @TwoDoggies Sent a card for my challenge. I enjoy peoples challenges too. They’re fun to look for cards for the feeling about the Flicker page!

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All of my cards went into the mail this morning. Good thing I wasn’t planning to participate next month anyway!

The first post has been updated.

Now, to start reporting my received card!

Now, for the long overdue report of my received cards, broken into three parts. Thank you to:

#2 @CrimsonKing for the wonderful gratitude list. I am happy to have you as a regular in this RR!

#3 @Cruzin for the fun cat card. This looks like Freyja when she’s bird watching!

#4 @4kids2pay4 for the great card from your trip to South Dakota. We visited SD in the summer of 2020 on our cross-country road trip & we also visited Mount Rushmore and Custer. Did you have the chance to see the Corn Palace?? And, yes, I love cream soda!

#5 @Sharontup for the adorable kitten card! Back with the old forums, it was quite separate from Postcrossing’s main site, so many didn’t venture over. Since the redesign a few years ago, more people have been active in the forum. Glad you found us!

#6 @mikeyz1 for the great interior show of the Driehaus Museum. This reminds me of the Garfield home - dark and busy! People of the Gilded Age and their wallpaper!! :laughing:

#7 @tia272 for the lovely view of Boston. Great cat sticker! I’m glad you’ve found a good place to live in Boston!

#8 @Shesa-Renegade for the cool watercolor “Red Fort at Delhi.” Enjoy the trip to Spain and Portugal! I can’t wait to hear about your experiences!

#9 @WrenAtTheBeach for the wonderful view from your hometown.


And in Round 2, thanks to:

#11 @sarahgrab1 for the amazing tuxedo cat card! You chose well :smiley_cat:

#12 @CalicoBeer for the awesome RGB collar. Our students have ranged in age from 15 to 18 and they typically arrive in early August and leave mid-June.

#13 @ladybug513 for the fun knit life card :yarn: I hope your daughter-in-law’s mother is doing better!

#14 @Hazygirl for the perfect kitten & its reflection card. Some of our cats have acted like this with their reflection. Others seems completely oblivious…or maybe they were smart enough to be like, “yeah, that’s me. So what?” :laughing:

#15 @AccentOnHakes for the great right to read card. I’m really sad that our school librarian who is a huge advocate for kids’ rights to have access to all sorts of books is retiring this year.

#16 @jacieslar for the cool old mill card. It’s cool that it’s still around!

#17 @KimberlyOR for the beautiful Oregon coast card. I loved Cannon Beach when we visited in summer 2020. That summer we did a road trip from Michigan across the northern tier of states out to the Pacific, reaching the Oregon coast and then returning through the next tier of states. Oregon sure was a highlight - Astoria, Cannon Beach and the Tillamook factory (closed due to covid, but they were still selling ice cream cones at least!)

#19 @ellistrations for the great Fort Pulaski card. I’m not sure if you’ve sent this one before as I really don’t keep track. To me, each card is unique due to the message.


@cawindt - we went through 6 states on that trip and missed out on the Corn Palace, but still have it on the list. Perhaps another road trip in the future.

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#8 Shesa-Renegade here with postcards from the past few days!

#7 @tia272 who sends a card of a view master that says “I remember…we called them trees…I think.” Oh how true this is! Our natural resources are being depleted so quickly. Thank you for this great environmentally-themed postcard! Loved your 6-word story, too! Mmm…blueberries.

#18 @LaurenceB sends a heartbreaking postcard of a mermaid trying to protect her friends from an oil spill. WOW! I keep thinking of the old saying about a picture being worth a thousand words. There simply are no words for how we have taken this planet for granted. This card will be treasured. Thank you.

#22 @uconn sends a great FREE postcard from a stamp show that celebrates the coronation of King Charles III! This is a great postcard!

#23 @suatelier sends a lovely graphic card of a airplane in flight for my free theme. I agree with you 100% about feeling so free during travel. I hope that you make it to South Korea! My next destinations are Spain & Portugal next month…woohoo!

#28 @TwoDoggies sends a great Amtrak advertising card. I love this and have wanted to do cross-country by train. Love your 6-word story about free samples. That’s how they get you at Costco/Sam’s Club…HAHA.

#29 @melvnoble sends an illustrated card of looking through a telescope into the night sky for my free theme. You are so right about feeling free when looking at the sky. One of the most wonderful experiences I had was in the Galapagos Islands where our boat captain turned off all the lights except the running lights for 1 minute. I’ve never seen the sky so amazing and I was excited to see the Southern Cross constellation.

Received: 2, 4 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30
So excited for 1, 3, 6, 10, 20, 24, 25, 26


And finally, in Round 3 thanks to:

#21 @Calisunshine for the cool vintage English card. I hope you enjoy your cruise!

#22 @uconn for the fun card from the postcard show. I’m surprised it’s from 1991. You’d think it had been produced recently by covid deniers.

#23 @suatelier for the vintage costume card. How cool that you got to see the cherry blossoms in Toronto finally!

#24 @roxy for the fun Salem card. Glad you enjoyed your trip!

#25 @virgomar0918 for the amazing astronaut cat card! I love the colours! I hope you enjoyed Philly.

#27 @sraelling for the view of historic Alcatraz Island. I recently taught about this in my class as part of the American Indian Movement and their takeover of the island in 1969.

#28 @TwoDoggies for the hilarious message! Decluttering is a good thing to do once in a while. Like many people, we did a lot of that during the early days of covid. We need to do more, though, especially in the basement.

#29 @melvnoble for the wonderful Kamala Harris card. I think this is the first one I’ve received. Thank you!

#30 @YOIYUMTEWA for the cool rollercoaster card from Kennywood. I’ve never heard of this place. Is it like Dollywood, but owned by Kenny Rogers??

Thank you to everyone!!


What an incredible trip! And fun that you’ve been to a few of my very favorite places out here :slight_smile:

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#22 uconn

#20 @Triol Thanks for this Vargas art. Perfect choice

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#13 with more cards from:

#8 @Shesa-Renegade – A very colorful iguana in Costa Rica! Thank you! I like the way you positioned the washi tape. Teaching is a very stressful job so I can understand wanting to enjoy the summer months off. I have a friend who is a retired German teacher, but she still subs from time to time but only when she feels like it!

#18 @LaurenceB – Aww! Two such sweet polar bear cards for Josie! I think I’m going to have to add Tausendschoen postcards to my wish list! Or is it Tausendschön? Either way, both of these cards are just great. Thank you so very much.

#23 @suatelier – Thank you very much for the cute Cicely Mary Barker Strawberry Fairy! He is too cute! I agree you never know what you will get when buying strawberries. I do like to buy from the farm stands in June. Those strawberries are so good!

#24 @roxy – Thank you so much for the LP Salem lighthouse! I love Salem. It’s such a quaint little town. We visited a number of times when our son went to college in Boston. I only wish it was closer! You would find me there every Halloween! All those witches!

#28 @TwoDoggies – Mushrooms! Thank you! It is raining here again, so I wouldn’t be surprised to find some mushrooms growing in the lawn in the near future. It’s happened before. Mother’s Day was very low key and enjoyable. I wasn’t frazzled!

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#14 hazygirl

#4 @4kids2pay4 sent a card for my May challenge. At first I didn’t get it but then I saw the light!
#18 @LaurenceB sent a super cute cat illustration. OMG Lobster, I’m coming over! I love it too. Once in awhile we get them here and cook them. I won’t put them in the pot though.