[RR] North American Round Robin March 2024 - The Luck of the Postcard Edition - Closed!

#9 Reporting many wonderful cards today…

#3 @Cruzin sent a delightful Blue Cats Leo card! Thank you! I love it and the stickers! I’m laughing at the Shark and the Roomba story. :joy:

#10 @nursegarry sent a great Goose card. Thank you! I need to get me a guard goose. I don’t think my POA would like, but then again, I’ve never been known to play by the rules. :innocent:

#12 @Yarn-Lady sent a beautiful Bob Eckstein card of Burke’s Book Store. Thank you! My PT is coming along. I’m 50% there. The biggest issue is my shoulder isn’t stable. I almost dislocated in my sleep a few nights ago. Instant panic attack. I just can’t do another surgery. The thought alone sends me spiraling into the deep. The surgery they have recommended would take a year to recover from and I just can’t…I can’t go through that hell again. I honestly don’t know what to do anymore. It’s frustrating to be in limbo for this long. Thank you for asking and always being supportive.

#18 @LaurenceB sent a beautiful BREATHE postcard. Thank you! I needed this at the moment. I love the stamps and washi, too! Congrats on the walking! That’s a great accomplishment!

#21 @anon72566616 sent a cute Blue Cat fairy cat. Thank you! I love your cat’s name. I lost my beloved cat in 2009. The Blue Cats remind me so much of him… that’s why I’m so drawn to them.

#23 @suatelier sent a great large letter Toronto card. Thank you! I love the stamps, too! I love Toronto. My publisher is located there. Thank you for the well wishes. I’m trying my best. PT is kicking my patootie, but I refuse to give up.

#28 @TwoDoggies sent a wonderful signed Inge Löök Aunties card…Thank you! These ladies crack me up. I hope to have their energy when I’m that age. I love the sticker, too!

#29 @melvnoble sent terrific B&W Marilyn Monroe. Thank you! I adore old Hollywood. Most of what I watch is B&W. There’s just something about that era of entertainment I prefer over modern tv and film.

#30 @RockyRoadTrip sent a fantastic St Patrick’s Day card with the lovely Irish quote. Thank you! She’s beautiful! And thank you for the wonderful stamps! Every year there is a huge St. Patrick’s Day parade just over the border. We have quite a few Irish pubs in the area, too. They take their Irish very seriously here.

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15 reporting.

I was away last week so sorry for the delay but the last on my March cards have arrived
SENT - All

3. @Cruzin

You should definitely get yourself a new kitten!! Thank you for Hops card

25. @ missLyss

I have slowly been building up my stamp collection for postcards. Luckily I have a great stamp museum that sells older stamps. I love the stamps you put together. Thank you. I love the Piggies!

28. @ twodoggies

Thank you for the Irish blessing and the four leaf clover card

And last but not least

30. @ RockyRoadTrip Thank you St Patrick’s Day was pretty awesome this year. It helped that it fell on a weekend. We saw Irish step dancers as young as 4 , and heard bag pipes. I did not go to the Parade. A little too crowded for me. Hope your was grand, as well.

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#20 reporting in! Thank you, #21 @anon72566616 for the beautiful Japanese card. Really fun to hear from a friend :slight_smile: We don’t get your heat, of course, but it’s gotten pretty awful here at times in the summer. So also enjoying the sun while we can be out in it! :sunny:

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#27 reporting:

From #15 @Sharontup an illustrated card of fav things in Quincy, MA!


Diet Pepsi, books, snail mail, and Yahtzee are on my list, too! We like being close to the kids & grandkids here. Lots to do, but more expensive to live here than in Wisconsin. Hope your visit will be a great one!

Thank you! :heart:

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#5 with one card to report:

What a cool card from #18 @LaurenceB! A vintage wart hog - my first!! Thank you.


Another card has found its way to me. Thank you to #4 @nhigh for the fun cat card.

First post has been updated!

#27 reporting:

#19 @ellistrations sent a LP card of Bergen, Norway. I agree that March was busy with holidays! The triplets just finished their Spring Break. It was a busy week for me. :rofl::rofl:


#21 @anon72566616 sent a detail of a leaded-glass window from the William Skinner house in NYC made by Tiffany Studios. This is an art form that amazes me!


Thank you! :heart::heart: I received all of my cards. :partying_face:


This is such a nice message, I came back to look at it again :smiley: Thank you!

#20 reporting in!
Thank you, #26, @sarahaeyo for the beautiful postcard and the birthday wishes :slight_smile: I like the western meadowlark, our state bird, but several other states have the same state bird so people here are trying to change our state bird to the osprey. We like to be unique in Oregon :slight_smile:
Also, you have such neat handwriting! :star:

Report #4 - March 2024 NARR
Rocky Road Trip #30

Wrapping up March with:

#21 @anon72566616: sent a colorful shot of the Tybee Island lighthouse on Tybee Island in Georgia. It’s a great looking tower, and climbable if you don’t mind the 176 step climb. They have an interesting drone use policy, you can only fly your drone there when the lighthouse museum is closed – meaning Tuesdays. Strange. Thanks!

#23 @Suatelier: sent a hilarious Jeff Pert cartoon card showing lobsters hanging out at the bar making “punny’ jokes. Yes, you’re probably missing the salt air of the sea. We are taking our first Canadian cruise this October that goes up the East coast to places like Newfoundland and Nova Scotia. Can’t wait.

#26 @Sarahaeyo: for International Women’s Month, of course you sent me a USMC promo card oozing of male toxicity! If pains is weakness leaving the body, I wonder how they classify waterboarding? Learning to swim without your floaties? Great stamps. Thanks! (PS: This card took a full month to get here!)

Thanks everyone
Rocky Road Trip #30


@RockyRoadTrip Hope I can grow old and pick apart every card I’m sent. Geez must be fun. At least it will keep me busy :grinning:

#13 has received from:

#23 @suatelier - Thank you for this new artist you’ve introduced me to! I like folk art and this painting very much!

#25 reporting received from:

#21 @anon72566616
#23 @suatelier

Thank you both for the lovely cards! :heart_eyes:

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#2 reporting

#30 @RockyRoadTrip Thank you Rocky for this beautiful card! :four_leaf_clover: Your card finally arrived! :smiley: It was addressed to the old house, hehe. Were you able to get into the watering hole on St. Pat’s Day?

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My apologies. I never “got the memo” about your new address and was working off an old list!
Updated now, and I’ll send you another April card (as that also was addressed to the old address)


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@RockyRoadTrip Ahh. :smiley: I’ll still receive the April card, it’ll just take a while to get here is all. :blush:

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#24 reporting

Thank you #21 @anon72566616 for the Inside Caesar’s Palace postcard. Great choice!

18 reporting!

1 @cawindt Thank you for the great Hannah Hoch card! I love this set and also learned a lot writing some of them!

5 @carolreader Thank you so much for a wonderful linen squirrel! I toured many thrift stores here in Palm Springs, but the linen postcard selection was not impressive!

6 @mikeyz1 Thank you for the Kurt Vonnegut quote! Very fitting - I’m in the airport so “gift shop” culture is all over! Being postcard fans we might be prone to it!!

10 @nursegarry Thank you very much for a funny giraffe!! I’m currently reading the book “West with giraffes” as per @sraelling suggestion!

23 @suatelier Thank you for the decorated Pantone! My decorations are always just stickers hehe :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

25 @misslyss Thank you for the beautiful large letter reprint!! Managed to buy a Greetings from California and Greetings from Palm Springs here on vacation :grin: Love these designs!

29 @melvnoble Thank you for the great cat card! It’s really cute :grin:


Report #5 - March 2024 NARR
Rocky Road Trip #30

Wow, arriving a full month after it was sent (and coincidentally on the same day his April NARR card got to me), this card from #01 @Cawindt celebrates Women’s History Month with an illustrated portrait of Ray Eames, an artist and designer who is probably most well remembered for her unique chair designs. In fact, Craig reports sitting on a lot of her pieces while at college. Which begs the question, was this a case of form over function? Were the darn things comfortable to sit through a boring lecture on? Cause some of the designs look “hard” and unforgiving. Thanks!

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#29 - One postcard for March!

#23 @suatelier - Thank you Charlotte for this postcard of a man in traditional clothing! It is so beautiful and it looks like this artist has a series of different people in traditional clothing. Very neat!

Edited to add I found the front facing version as well!