[RR] North American Round Robin February 2024 - The Super Bowl of Postcards Edition - Addresses Sent

#7 RobinP reporting the arrival of the last of my cards for this month…

from #5 @k8thegr8 - a travel poster for the British rail system. There’s quite a number of things in England that I’m a bit jealous of!

from # 12 @Yarn-Lady - a closeup of a llama with amazing eyelashes. Love it!

from #27 @beatriceh - an amazing Anne Boleyn card! I absolutely adore reading about the Tudor time period, so this was an absolutely delightful card for me! I would love to talk to her too. My interest in the time period spans to an interest in Scotland as well. A few years back my husband and I went to Scotland. He said it was really weird to watch me get all excited about places and people that he knew absolutely nothing about. I would say things like “Wow, this is where Rizzio was murdered!” or “This is Bothwell’s castle where he took Mary Queen of Scots when he kidnapped her!” LOL, I’m such a Tudor nerd and I’m in awe of your PhD in the subject!

That’s all cards from last month received from me.


18 reporting

20 @Triol Thank you so much for the awesome Florida flamingos!! Great memories of my own Florida trip last month! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

This card is not from this Round Robin.


All fixed - thanks for catching that.

#8 Shesa-Renegade reporting in with my last received card from #26 @sarahaeyo who sends a wonderful jellyfish card! I think jellyfish can definitely be considered plump…haha.

All cards received for February


#5 Missed reporting these cards earlier, thank you to everyone!!

#7 @RobinP sent a fantastic Black-Chinned Red Salamander from the Great Smoky Mountains NP! I can’t wait to visit this park one day!

#16 @jacieslar sent a pretty vintage reprint of a lady horse riding and wrangling hearts, for Valentine’s day :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

#27 @beatriceh sent a rainbow “Love is Love” card :rainbow::rainbow_flag: thank you!



26 received: 23 (all!)

23 @CStar9 - same state, a little over 2 months to arrive! this one really took the scenic route haha lol maybe it decided to take the mbta :see_no_evil: glad that it arrived safely though :two_hearts::sparkles: thank you so much for the fabulous postcard~ our work called for a snow/wfh day for that nor’easter, but all we got was just ton of rain along the coast. sofra is fantastic! i really like pavement coffee, the thinking cup and tatte, although the latter can get super crowded on the weekend.

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@sarahaeyo In another RR, I just had a person from Worcester receive a card that had traveled to Iowa and several other places (postmarks evident)… crazy!

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OMG, #23 reporting that after over two months from the postmark, my glorious, oversized watercolor bouquet card from @LaurenceB (#18) has arrived! I hope you and the family had a truly wonderful vacation in Florida. Do you even remember it at this point? ;o) Big hugs. It sounds like it was terrific, and how cool that the kids got to see the ocean (and fly on a plane!).

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There have definitely been some delivery issues as of late! Glad these cards are finally finding their homes. Updated!

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#9 Reporting

#18 @LaurenceB sent an absolutely incredible very large and very beautiful California Missions card! Thank you so much! I love it! I don’t know where it went on it’s travels all these months (there’s no postmark) but I’m so glad it arrived. It’s the perfect card for me! :hugs:

Yes #18 @LaurenceB 's cards certainly took the slow boat in February. Arriving more than two months after it was posted (from the US, btw) is this wonder from Florida:

Promoting cigarette use to children and exploiting kidnapped wildlife? What more could we expect from the state that would eventually deliver us Ron DeSantis?

Rocky #30


Thank you so much for sending a “sorry you didn’t make it this time” card for April! That was so sweet of you! I was super bummed about missing April but luckily I made it in for May! I love this card you sent! Thanks again! It made my heart happy! :heart:

#10 AtlasPostal finally received #18 @LaurenceB

Thank you! so happy to receive it after its longer journey :slight_smile: I hope you and your kids had a fabulous vacation!


#27 reporting

#18 @laurenceB I can’t believe this card just got here today! Quite slow, but it made it here. It must have been nice to have some sun in February. It was so mild here this year, I missed winter.

#24 @roxy Another late comer, though yours did arrive a couple of weeks ago. I was just going through a loss so sorry about the late reporting. You should definitely take the train. Train rides can be so relaxing and scenic, though I did just read an article about how train rides are only more eco-friendly than planes for shorter trips.

#25 @hootnoodle Romeo and Juliet is such a classic, and it gets overlooked because everyone thinks they know the story. It’s the language that’s so great though.

And I will go ahead and resend to #25.

#2 reporting the final card to arrive! :smiley: :tada:

#30 @RockyRoadTrip Thank you Rocky for this Valentine! :cupid:

February is updated! Hard to believe I’m still updating this in May!

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