[RR] North American November 2021 Round Robin - Gobbling Up Postcards Edition - Addresses Sent!

#19 ellistrations received

#5 @carolreader - black bears, thank you! Definitely cute! Whenever I travel I look for the popular animals in the state that we don’t have here, yet never see them, haha!

#17 @CrimsonKing - city cat, thank you! Love the cat stickers!


#24 received from
#5. @carolreader a beautiful card of black water falls. Sounds like a great outing
#17. @CrimsonKing a beautiful actress. I believe she was on Gone with the wind.
#19. @ellistrations a great teddy bear with matching stamp. Great stickers.
#27. @NittanyLionRI arethusa falls in New Hampshire. Beautiful. I love when the trees change colors.

Thanks everyone, great cards from all of you


All of my cards are ready to go out in tomorrow’s mail!

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All of my cards will mail tomorrow!

#5 @carolreader Great recipe for Apple Butter! I need to make this with my daughter. Sounds delicious! Pumpkin Butter sounds delicious, too! Thank you!
#17 @CrimsonKing LP covid card “Pretty Please Wash Your Hands” Thank you!
#19 @ellistrations Old South Pecan Pie. Love pecan pie! Thank you!
#27 @NittanyLionRI Thanksgiving LouPaper! Thank you! Autumn is my fav season, too! My favs are the colors, hoodie weather, crisp air, Apple Cider, and coziness.

To Receive: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,28,29,30


#18 received a card today from #19 @ellistrations Thank you for another cat card! :black_heart:


#28 @TwoDoggies is sending cards today to:

#17, #25 thru #30

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#11 I managed to eke out cards 17-21 this morning in time for today’s mail!

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26 Reporting in with a nice museum card:

#22 @uconn
Thank so for this Museum card from the Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology. I would imagine Connecticut would have nice museums! I have never visited, yet I imagine it to have great cultural amenities. The carved donkeys are great-probably better in person!


#11 received today:

#14 @dnrhott sent a curve-billed thrasher card. Pretty bird! The otter stamp is too cute too. Thanks, Delia!

#17 @CrimsonKing sent some beautiful purple hyacinths. Happy thanksgiving, Lesly! Thank you.

#19 @ellistrations sent a fun blue Vespa parked under blue shuttered windows. Thank you, Barbara! I too am looking forward to the holidays!

#25 @Susaninutah sent a wonderful hand painted vintage Christmas card! Love it. Thank you, Susan! We’re headed to Florida this year too!


#27 NittanyLionRI - received 3 wonderful cards today. Thank you all!

#22 @uconn sent a beautiful B&W barn owl photo. I have never seen a barn owl in the wild but I have seen a great horned owl a few times in the state park near my house. We hear them often, they can be quite loud :owl:

#26 @teddypostcrossing sent a beautiful Chautauqa Park card. I have only visited Colorado once for a meeting in Denver but I did have one free day to explore- I went to Colorado Springs to Garden of the Gods and the US Airforce Academy. Would love to get back and visit the 4 national parks.

#30 @RockyRoadTrip sent a gorgeous painting of a scene from Isle of Arran in Scotland. The Highlands of Scotland are high on my bucket list - I’m not much of a fun & sun person. I prefer cool & mountainous :mountain_snow:


All of my postcards have been mailed!

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Wow! Four more cards arrived today. Thank you to:

**#3 ** @Cruzin for the wonderful Chat Noir postcard. We have that poster framed in our office at home :slight_smile: William loves to cook Thanksgiving and has gotten MUCH better over the past few years of paring down the number of dishes he makes. It’s been a journey! :laughing:

#22 @uconn for the great Tang Dynasty camel. Believe it or not, I actually saw those types of camels when I was in China! Interestingly, you chose a James K Polk stamp. He was elected president in 1844, the same year that the Wadsworth Atheneum opened :slight_smile:

#25 @Susaninutah for the awesome Diego Rivera May Day Parade in Red Square card. I love Rivera and the card. Great choice for me!

#26 @teddypostcrossing for the great Czech rail card. Great stamps, stickers & washi!

Thanks all!


#17 received from:

#14 @dnrhott sent an American Coot card, pictures showing it as a juvenile and as an adult. I have never seen one myself. I too hope you have a great autumn and a Happy Thanksgiving! :turkey: Thank you for the card. :slight_smile:

#22 @uconn sent a Millie and the Wolf postcard with Storm Trooper helmets on, lol! That’s funny. :smiley: Do you stay in your pajamas when you work from home? Hehe. Oh man, my little chihuahua is my shadow and when I leave, he sits at the door until I come home, such a great little dog. :slight_smile: He isn’t your typical chihuahua either, not an ankle biter, likes people, but is attached to me, hehe. Pet your pupper for me. :smiley: Thank you for the card.

#27 @NittanyLionRI sent a flower fairy in autumn colors, so cute! I didn’t know each fairy had a poem, that is really neat. :smiley: Do you still have that postcard your grandmother gave you over 30 years ago? That would be really cool if you did, vintage and sentimental value to it. Thank you for the card. :smiley:


@CrimsonKing - I do. The card is framed and hangs in my guest bedroom 🧚‍♂️


#8 Shesa-Renegade - all of my cards are on their way!

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#5 @carolreader Ohio Covered Bridges this state seems lovely. Hope you enjoyed that hike how is W. Virginia like? A good Thanksgiving giving to you Carol. Thanks.

#6 @scoutingbear grand theft auto Vice City this is a risky video game if I remember right? I think of FL night life of this card thanks.

#15 @AccentOnHakes a dark scene of Utah the good place you say I will look it up. Very interesting older stamps Thank you.

#22 @uconn glad you still work at home and you can admire nature in your back yard. Never heard of them. Like the cartoon cards never forgot that garfield you sent awsome thanks.

#26 @teddypostcrossing lively fall foliage what colors we see nice decor a nice fall to you Kristine truly love it.

#27 @NittanyLionRI wow and amazing castle how do they built these structures so sturdy by the sea? Beats me and away from everything and everyone. If you ever go there do tell. Thank you.

A big thankful thank you to all. :blush:



#3 @Cruzin Great Autumn LouPaper to match my November theme! Thank you!
#26 @teddypostcrossing Illustration of various types of pies as slices. These all sound delicious. Except cheesecake. Bleh. lol

To Receive: 1,2,4,6,7,8,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18,20,21,22,23,24,25,28,29,30


West Virginia is stunning!

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#5 with cards to report:

#15 @AccentOnHakes – an old-fashioned fruit crate label. I really like the picture of the clipper ship (and the brand name), but it doesn’t remind me of apples. I like Gala apples - a softer skin than some of the others, and not as expensive as Honeycrisp. But they’re a great fall treat! Oh, and an Edward Hopper stamp – cool. Thanks!

#17 @CrimsonKing – yes, this is a little bizarre – a doll who has her own set of puppets. I envision tangled strings! But it’s unique – thank you!

#19 @ellistrations – This card brought a smile to my face. The cat posing with the gorilla makes little sense, as does the card title – “Ordering Subway at 3 am”. But I got a kick out of it. I also liked your decorations on the back of the card, and the Arthur Ashe stamp. Thanks! (As to your question, what’s my favorite fall dish? I can’t think of anything in particular, but I wouldn’t like green bean casserole since I have to gag down most of my vegetables.)

#27 @NittanyLionRI – a card from my favorites! A strange card. I don’t remember all my favorites, but I knew immediately that I liked this card a lot. Fortuitous find on your part. Thank you!

You can see my postcards for this RR here.


#11 the rest of my cards are going out in today’s mail!

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