[RR] North American May 2022 Round Robin - The May It Warm Up Edition - Closed

#22 uconn

#19 @ellistrations Mickey Mouse poster, with an egg! Your stamps fell off! I’ve noticed this set is terrible with wet and stick stamps.

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5 RR cards in one day!

Thanks to:
#2 @CrimsonKing Thanks for the new IL card. And agree… Lantern Press are fun to collect!
#5 @carolreader beautiful Ohio lighthouses!! I haven’t been on the turnpike in FOREVER. I keep forgetting about it as a source of cards. (And love the Disney card!)
#19 @ellistrations sweet Lab card. And love the dog stickers and washi tape.
#22 @uconn Awesome vintage Disney card featuring Pirates and the Jungle Cruise.
#30 @RockyRoadTrip Leinenkugel beer card. I am familiar with Leinie’s as my favorite literary detective, Lucas Davenport, drinks it.

Thanks again everyone!!


#17 received from:

#2 @Beachyblonde a row of mailboxes. My box leaves something to be desired as well!

#19 @ellistrations a Monterey CA whale tail and cute otter stickers. A long time it’s been indeed!

#22 @uconn a great lyrebird in full courtship display. Yes!

Also, going out in tomorrow’s mail: 5, 11, 12, 14, 22


#2 reporting:

#7 @ljbbauer sent a Mincing Mockingbird of the owl saying Whom, thank you Laura! :smiley: How cool it is to see teachers “out in the wild” and they still remember you after all that time, that’s awesome. :smiley:

#18 sent a drawn momma bird bringing a worm to her nest of babies, thank you Lau! :smiley: Before we moved to IL, I also saw a wild turkey in our urban area, crazy! LOL Dang bird was running down a busy street, haha! It looked to be a younger female. Thank you also for the stickers on the back as well. :blush:

#19 @ellistrations sent more birds sitting on a nest in a drawing done in watercolor and pencil by C.F.A. Voysey, thank you Barbara! There are also sheep, squirrels, black birds and a pied piper sitting in the tree. Hehe, I like the “catctus” sticker you put on the back, it’s cute and fuzzy. :smiley:

#30 @RockyRoadTrip sent a birdhouse on a stand surrounded by trees and flowers, thank you Rocky! :smiley: Haha, yeah the description is very incorrect about what’s on front LOL! The description says the front is a fountain where water splashes… Where’d you find this goldmine? :smiley:

Thank you everyone!


3 cards today:

From #19 @ellistrations a groovy gambrel barn. Relax while you can!

From #10 @emotis the Mad Hatter while watching Saul. How appropriate!

From #22 @uconn one of Renoir’s lovely dancers. Reminds me that I’ve got some gift cards to use up myself!

Thank you all!


My cards through #17 are on the way.

#16 NittanyLionRI

Thanks to #22 @uconn for the addition to my Women in Art Collection. Those training calls can be killers :roll_eyes:

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My cards are in the mail - Enjoy!

#29 - I received my first batch of postcards for this month and they all have animals!

#5 @carolreader - Thank you Carol for this funny postcard, The Boston (Terrier) Tea Party! I hope you had a nice rainy run. I luckily got a walk in before we got hit with a ton of rain the other day. Looking forward to sunny spring days!

#10 @emotis - Thank you Erin for this great Harry Potter postcard “Artifacts from the Wizarding World!” It’s especially neat since it is a foreign language postcard, Russian I think? Foreign language books are so neat, too. I hope you continue to grow your collection!

#19 @ellistrations - Thank you Barbara for this artist’s depiction of an owl from the Great Smoky Mountains! I definitely like adding to my owl postcard collection! :owl: I am with you about crazy things in the news. I was doom scrolling for a bit, but I’m trying to keep away and enjoy myself! PS - the pokemon stickers were fantastic!

#30 @RockyRoadTrip - Thank you Rocky for this postcard of “an all English eleven!” I would love vintage pugs, but honestly vintage dogs are still so adorable. I enjoyed looking at each one and their facial expressions. The collars on some of them are fun too!




#25 @teddypostcrossing

All cards sent📫

#9 reporting more cards sent
2, 3, 4, 6, 21, 23, 25

#3 received

#2 @CrimsonKing OMG a Dungeons and Dragons card!! I have a friend who did a lot of the art work for D&D - more of the 80’s stuff though…I didn’t realize there was a box set - I need to find that!

#5 @carolreader this card does remind me too of Driving Miss Daisy!

#7 @ljbbauer Butt…. Lol!! Great card! If I went into a tat parlor they would tell me I have too old of skin! But yes,I do have tats. Three of them - one of them is the infinity with family written - my daughter and I got that one on her 18th birthday. She hasn’t stopped. FYI - next Friday (the 13th) a lot of parlors have set ones for a really good price.

#8 @Shesa-Renegade lovely Art Deco card!! My yard is a bunch of weeds and sea grass right now. I’m waiting to go out and weed when it is warmer, not windy, the stars are aligned, etc….

#22 @uconn Bettie Page!! Enjoy your time you get to spend with your parents!

Thank you all for the great cards and words!

@cawindt all mine are in the mail


#8 Shesa-Renegade checking in with my first received cards!!

#2 @CrimsonKing sends a black and white serene card of a book with tea near a comfy looking chair. Thanks for the carbs…haha. I am currently reading The House in the Cerulean Sea and I am loving it!

#5 @carolreader sends a black and white card of a dog laying on a wooden floor next to a globe for my dog challenge. You’re right, probably not comfy, but the image brings such peace.

#7 @ljbbauer sends an interesting card of a woman who looks upset that she’s been interrupted in her reading. She’s giving the side-eye…haha. That is such an interesting fact about you! I love it!

#16 @NittanyLionRI sends an illustrated card from Shenandoah National Park. It’s a young girl sitting by the falls with her dog for my dog challenge. I love this so much! My dog and I used to go hiking a lot and it brings back such wonderful memories.

#19 @ellistrations sends a dog card created by a local artist. The dog is entirely composed of words associated with dogs (e.g. tail wagging, happiness, smile, wet kisses, healer, faithful). This card made me cry because it is so thoughtful. My dog passed almost three weeks ago now and I still find myself crying a lot when I think of her. She was all of these words, and the best of all of the “good girls” out there. :heart: :dog:

Received: 2, 5, 7, 16, 19
Excited for: 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30


So sorry to hear about your dear pup! It takes quite some time to get back to a new normal. So many things remind me of my cat (passed two years ago) and I still cry. I built him a small memorial of sorts out in the open. It certainly helps.


#17 reporting received cards from:

#5 @carolreader a neat illustration card featuring mailboxes and birds from around the world. Sounds like we have similar mailboxes!

#10 @emotis a beautiful Kona coffee card. I’ve visited a few coffee farms in HI also! Cool experience for sure!

#19 ellistrations received

#5 @carolreader - stacks rocks in A Bug’s Life, thank you! I am reminded every year that this week is National Postcard Week, this time by someone I order so many cards from… and so I ordered more… haha!

#10 @emotis - camera, thank you! It’s amazing how you hold onto a card for so long before you find the perfect person to send it to - partially why I have a hard time passing any of mine along… love it!

#16 @NittanyLionRI - Totoro, thank you! Sounds like a great road trip for you, I hope you have a blast! Today we’ve had storms, but I hope by the time you get here the weather will be beautiful!

#18 @LaurenceB - dream catchers, thank you! This card is so sweet. I am definitely in a better place now. Wild turkeys, I love it! We had one hop into our yard, cross the full acre and hop out… by the time I got outside it was gone. I’d never seen a wild one around here before.

#22 @uconn - family watching fish and a camera, thank you! Looks like it could be a polaroid. A stormy day here for us today. Off and on with rolling thunder.

#30 @RockyRoadTrip - photo of a lady getting ready in the morning in front of her small mirror, thank you! Haha, yes, I do believe a full length mirror would suit her much better.


3 great cards to report:

#2 @CrimsonKing Thanks for the bunnies! Your pet Blue sounds sweet. I had a teacup bunny in college-Pinkerton. He was adorable. Great puffy stickers! Hope your Spring is going great!

#22 @uconn Thanks for the Aliza Eliazarov bunny rabbit card! A new favorite for me! Great photo capture. I need to look for her cards. Maybe you could send some rain West! Hope you have a nice weekend!

#30 @RockyRoadTrip Thanks for the cool owl shot! Those glowing eyes are something! I find owls to be really interesting-I appreciate the card. I hope you enjoy your weekend!


#7 @ljbbauer reporting 2 cards received:

From #2 @CrimsonKing I received a beautiful barn at the Grand Tetons. I have so many wonderful barn memories from childhood. It always felt like they were magic.

From #8 @Shesa-Renegade I received a Fanfin Anglerfish that looks like it will eat me! Your work sounds fascinating. But then, what’s not to love about spending time in the Bahamas!

Thank you both so much.


#21 reporting

#19 @ellistrations sends a viewcard of the highest point in Arkansas. I don’t think we’ve ever considered a turkey for Easter. Was it harder to procure at this time of year?

#22 @uconn sends a view of the Old Man of the Mountain in New Hampshire. The Northeast is an area that I haven’t been to very much, and I’m afraid I missed out on the Old Man, both before and after he fell. It looks cool though! I bet it was neat to see.