[RR] North America: Write Back My Postcard [NA WBMP RR] New Canada Only Group

My envelopes for groups 196 & 199 will be mailed on Monday.

Group 188
I have received both cards back from @Beachyblonde. Thank you! It is not particularly hot here yet, but we have been having some severe storms.

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My envelopes for groups 196 & 197 are in the mailbox for Monday.

Iā€™d like to join 195, 198 & 200 please

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Iā€™m pretty sure Amazon, Iā€™ll check my purchases list and lyk for sure.

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Hello! Iā€™d like to remove myself from Group 194. Iā€™m about to go on an international trip soon so I donā€™t think I can send those cards in time before I leave. :smiling_face_with_tear:
I join another group when Iā€™m back!

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Hello! Group 199 envelopes will be sent out tomorrow!

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Group 181
I received one card from @Hazygirl . Thank you! I first came across Edward Gorey from the opening titles of Masterpiece Mystery, years ago.

Update Group 191

Received 2 cards from @pammykay
Thank you so much for the totem pole sticker - love it!!:heart_eyes:

Received 1 card from @Beachyblonde
Our fur-babies are always in our hearts. :two_hearts:

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I would also like to join Group 194 please. :smiley:

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Group 188
Received two cards from @Beachyblonde and Two from @pammykay

Group 191
Received three cards from @Beachyblonde And three cards from @pammykay

Group 193
Received two cards from @Beachyblonde
Thank you both!


Iā€™d like to join group 192 please!

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Group 191
Received two cards back from @BigJuice
Thank you


I have received these envelopes:
Group 196 from @Hazygirl & @mcrxmy
Group 199 from @beatriceh & @Fangirllt


Received envelopes and all are in the mail for tomorrowā€™s pickup:

Group 196
from @mcrxmy

Group 197
from @mcrxmy @sarahaeyo @beatriceh


Received envelope for GR197 @mcrxmy. Cards written and will go out in tomorrowā€™s mail.

Envelopes for GR200 set for tomorrowā€™s mail.

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Received envelopes for Group 199 @pammykay & @beatriceh


Group 199
The cards for @beatriceh and @Fangirllt are written and will be mailed on Monday.


Group 196
The cards for @Hazygirl and @mcrxmy are written and will be mailed on Tuesday.

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Received envelopes for @Fangirllt and @pammykay for GR199

Received envelope for @Hazygirl for GR197

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Group 199 postcards for @beatriceh & @pammykay will be sent out tomorrow!


Group 191
Receives back one card from @BigJuice. Great Stamps. Thank you

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