[RR] North America: Write Back My Postcard [NA WBMP RR] New Canada Only Group

Group 191

Sending envelopes to @pammykay @Beachyblonde @Hazygirl

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Group 179
received @Beachyblonde’s envelope, send out all cards
sent out all of my envelope for group 179 as well.
Sorry for the delay!

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Group 193
@Beachyblonde I received your envelope of postcards and will soon begin decorating to send back!

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group 182
I received two cards from @sarahaeyo and one card from @roxy
Thank you!


Groups 179, 193, 188, 191
envelopes arrived from @Beachyblonde and cards are in the mailbox for Monday’s pickup.

Group 188 & 191
envelope arrived from @pammykay and cards are in the mailbox for Monday’s pickup.

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Cards decorated and sent back to @Beachyblonde for 193!

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I would like to join group 194, 196 and 197 please!

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Received back a whole whole bunch
2 each for Group 179 from @mcrxmy & @Beachyblonde
Group 186 from @mcrxmy
Thank you both. :heart:


Group 191
Received an envelope from @Beachyblonde :grinning:

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Received envelope for @Hazygirl yesterday Group 193

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Group 179

  • I received my cards back from @mcrxmy. Thank you, Maicy! I love the stamps and washi!

  • I also received envelopes for @mcrxmy and @Beachyblonde. They’ll go out in Monday’s mail!



Thank you!

I have also received some cards and envelopes. I will post those this evening

Group 193
Postcards for @Hazygirl sent!

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I just returned from vacation and have lots of mail to attend to. For this RR, I have received these cards:

Group 179

  • 2 cards received from @Beachyblonde. I’ve been to Montana, but not to Glacier NP. I lived at the Grand Canyon for a year, which was a fantastic experience.
  • 1 card received from @Hazygirl.
  • 2 cards received from @mcrxmy. Have a great trip to the east coast!

Group 188

  • 1 card received from @Hazygirl. Yes, I think there are many games I loved as a child that no one plays anymore.

Group 191
3 cards received from @Hazygirl. Have fun on your trip, as well. No, I have not been to Chincoteague, but I’d love to.

Thank you, everyone!


I have received these envelopes:

Group 179 from @Beachyblonde and @mcrxmy

Group 188 from @Beachyblonde and @Hazygirl

Group 191 from @Beachyblonde and @BigJuice and @Hazygirl


I’d like to join
194 please

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182 :
received final cards from both @roxy and @mcrxmy that were postdated from back in february but had arrived within the past week-ish :flushed: (sometimes i worry about the usps haha) thank you to both of you for wmpb :two_hearts:

may i join 195 and 197?


Group 179: received all two cards back from @Hazygirl, thank you!

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Group 188 cards for @Beachyblonde and @Hazygirl are written and will be mailed on Saturday.

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I have received so many cards and envelopes over the past week!

Group 151
2 cards from @mcrxmy Thank you! I love them! My BiL lived in Pasadena for years because it felt safer. Happy Summer break!

Group 179
1 card from @mcrxmy Thank you for writing back my postcard! I learned piano and clarinet as a kid!
2 cards from @Hazygirl Thank you for writing back my postcards! The Cricket World Cup could be interesting to watch! haha

Group 186
@mcrxmy Thank you for writing back two of my postcards! I have never watched Bones, but I have heard it’s an awesome show!

Group 188
2 cards from @Hazygirl Thank you for writing back and decorating my postcards! I love these Aunties! They’re smiles are so contagious!

Group 191
3 cards from @Hazygirl Thank you for writing back my postcards! How neat that you worked Pre-K! That’s where I’m at currently! I love Eric Carle art and books!

Group 193
a card from @PleiadianDragon Thank you for decorating my postcard! That stickers are so cute!!
2 cards from @Hazygirl Thank you for decorating my postcards! I love all of the dog stickers!