[RR] North America: Write Back My Postcard [NA WBMP RR] New Canada Only Group

So sorry for posting so late!

I’ve received all for group 184 :blush:

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Group 183 - have received both cards back from @BigJuice - thanks a lot, Laurie!


Sorry I’m behind!

I’ve received lots:

Two cards from @Hazygirl Thank you for writing back and decorating my cards! So cute!

2 cards from @Hazygirl Thank you for writing back my postcards! I always wanted to go to the Bodies exhibit! How cool! And I agree about being nervous about mailed TE cards. It came back unscathed!

3 cards from @pammykay Thank you for writing back my Disney postcards! I agree about the coral reef stamps! I love them and only have a few left! What happened to the barn stamps too? I was behind in the NARR as well. I try to join in months that I think I will have time so I’ll have to skip May. It’s so busy with the end of school/sports activities!

2 from @Hazygirl Thank you for decorating my cards! I bought the Emperor’s New Groove card at Disneyland last year! I love that movie!

1 back from @PleiadianDragon Thank you for decorating my card! I love the different styles of decorating!! Each card is unique, you’re right!

Going to update now!

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Please let me know if I missed anything!

Group 179
I have received envelopes from @Hazygirl and @inkandpaper.

Edit to add: all cards will be mailed on Wednesday.


Group 183

Received both cards back from @bigjuice


Group 179
Received back two cards from @inkandpaper
Thank you so much


Sorry for the late update! I was preoccupied by my finals :face_with_spiral_eyes:
I received envelopes from
Group 186: @Beachyblonde
group 179: @pammykay, @Hazygirl, and @inkandpaper
group 151 and 178: @Beachyblonde
I’ll start working on these cards as soon as possible!

Received my own cards back from
group 180: received two cards back from @BigJuice
group 186: received three cards back from @pammykay, three cards back from @Hazygirl, and three cards back from @Beachyblonde

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Group 179

  • One card from @Hazygirl. The Chrysler Building is one of my favorites. I stare at it every time I go to NYC.
  • Two cards from @inkandpaper. I don’t think I’d want a Winnebago on some of the roads in the western parks! They’re bad enough just in a car. My 50th state to visit is Alaska and if all goes according to plan, I’m heading there next week!

Group 181

  • One card from @Hazygirl. Ugh, your grading system does sound awful!

Group 185

  • Two cards from @Beachyblonde. I’m so glad you’ve heard of Maxfield Parrish. I know his work is not for everyone, but I love it.

Group 186

  • Two cards from @mcrxmy. No, I haven’t been whale watching or dolphin watching or anything like that. I don’t know if I’d get motion sickness or not, but probably I would. I’m glad you had fun on your ski trip!

Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to write and decorate my cards, and for the nice stamps!


Group 179

1 card from @pammykay - how exciting to be traveling to the final state on your list! I’ve never been on a cruise either - I hope you have a WONDERFUL time! :passenger_ship:
P.S. Super cute washi! :cat:

1 card from @Hazygirl - we’ve had rainy and cloudy weather here lately, too. I’m with you - bring on the pool weather! :sunny:

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Two more cards arrived!
Group 186
@Hazygirl Thank you for writing back and decorating my Frozen postcard!

Group 190
@PleiadianDragon Thank you for writing back and decorating my 3D postcard! The stickers are perfect!

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Group 186
Received 3 cards back from @Beachyblonde. Thank you! :heart:

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I’m glad you got it and liked it. That was an awesome postcard! I put my return address in case the shipping wasn’t enough.

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Group 186
I received all three cards back from @Beachyblonde. Thank you!

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Sending the address lists for the groups that closed to:
@BigJuice @pammykay @PleiadianDragon @Hazygirl

Group 179
I received my cards back from @Beachyblonde. Thank you, Whitney! :yellow_heart:

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My envelopes for groups 188 & 191 will be mailed on Monday.

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Received second card from @ayellowdaffodil for 173. Thanks for sharing a favorite word. I wasn’t familiar with anemoia.

Can I join 189 please?

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Group 185 received 2 cards back from @Beachyblonde
Group 179 received 1 card back from @pammykay

Thank you :heart:

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Sent cards back to
Group 179: @inkandpaper and @Hazygirl and @pammykay
Group 178: @Beachyblonde
Group 151: @Beachyblonde
group 186: @Beachyblonde

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