🎄 [RR] NA Secret Christmas RR - CLOSED

I received my first card from @PamUSAOhio today! A card with colorful Christmas trees on it! Thank you!

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I have received from @iwritedeb - a pretty, glittery bird card with Season’s Greetings! Thank you!

Received from @anon38742675 and adorable card, thank you! I haven’t put up my tree yet, probably won’t this late into the game. :blush: :christmas_tree: :snowman_with_snow: :snowflake: :heart: :green_heart:


I have some cards to report…my cards should all be out in Monday’s mail, sorry for the delay. Things have been crazy here.

from @iwritedeb a beautiful vintage reprint with lots of glitter! 2 birds sitting on berry branch under an umbrella :slight_smile:

from @mere5oh pretty card showing plants of the season with glitter accents! I have never seen that candy cane striped amaryllis! I think I need that one!!

from @PamUSAOhio deer inside a berry wreath. Simple and elegant :slight_smile: thanks!!

from @emotis a glittery card of bon bons!! and such cute stickers on the back!

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same here…what is up with this year?! We should have MORE time since we can’t do a lot of the normal activities…yet I have found the calendar pages are flying by and I am way more behind than ever before!! i got my outside lights up earlier this week and that is going to be it.

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sent my cards out today

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updated! :santa:

My cards will be in Monday’s mail

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My cards will be mailed today or tomorrow. sorry for the delay. it took so long to have my stamps arrived.

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@AlbertaGirl71 sent a lovely card with greetings in Polish. Thank you Kelly!

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Thanks so much@Beachyblonde
Love the LouPaper Christmas card!! And I envy you having an obnoxiously large Santa Claus!! Bring on the Christmas spirit
! :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree: :christmas_tree:

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Card from BeachyBlonde - A Happy Holidays featureing Seattle and the Space Needle. Very nice night view.

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updated! :santa:

I will put all cards in the mail tomorrow.

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Thank you to:
@iwritedeb I love this sweet vintage card. I love these designs.

@anon38742675 Such a cute card with all the old Christmas stamps. And yes… the Pats are definitely missing something. :laughing:

@mere5oh Fun Alice Christmas card! Hope you get some time to relax this holiday too!!

Thanks everyone!!!


I have received from @Beachyblonde - Thank you for the vintage Santa reprint LP card!! A 10ft Santa sounds amazing! If I put that out in my front yard, it would be stolen in a matter of hours. lol

updated! :santa:

Thank you to @emotis for the Ziggy (and his dog) version of Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree. I love this card, Erin. :christmas_tree: :blush:

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updated! :santa:

i got 2 cards today

@PamUSAOhio thank you for the lovely postcard i hope you have a very merry Christmas

@anon38742675 thank you for the beautiful artsy Christmas postcard i hope your dog doesn’t smell like skunk stink anymore. Merry Christmas


updated! :santa: