[RR] NA Colors RR 🌈

@CrimsonKing sent a fun teddy flying with balloons

@uconn sent a rainbow sailboat at Indian Rocks Beach.

@journeyforth sent The Rainbow by George Barbier.

Love all of these! :heart::heart::heart:


Thanks Lesley @CrimsonKing for the rainbow rooster and chicken. Easter Egger chickens - how cool is that?!
I thought this was a possible Van Gogh, but it’s a Scramble Campbell! Thank you James @uconn for the colorful card from Red Rocks.


Rainbow 75 -

@CalicoBeer sent a lovely card of rainbow roses, thank you , Victoria! I do love flowers, and really like this card, first one I have received like this, so I appreciate it!

@@hazygirl , Thank you Jo Ann for the Candy Land card! Now I know about lollipop and gumdrop day! I wasn’t aware of them, I am not fond of gum drops, but do enjoy a lollipop every now and then.

@sleepyhippo1 , Love the Titina card, thank you Marcella! Of course I love cats, so it’s purrfect ! Lasagna sounds really good right now!

@tia272 A lovely card of Venus , I have not seen one so colorful before, thanks, Tia!

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Red 75 - Thank you , Lesly @CrimsonKing for this beautiful card! I love the art! I see my grand daughter about twice a week or more , depending on when they are in town; lately, my daughter has been going out a lot , so Violet has become quite the traveler!
If is very hot here right now, no fun! I haven’t done any puzzles in forever, though I

use to really enjoy them.

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Orange 76 card received from @CrimsonKing thanks for gg bridge card- I have been on it, not as many times as you though!!

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@virgomar0918 - thank you! A street fair sounds so fun! Last weekend we had our high school reunion at a new brewery grand opening, only a handful of people came. It’s nothing like the ones you see so well planned in shows and movies.

@TeachLittleKids - thank you! We really need a mountain vacation, I just don’t know where to go. There are so many options and they all look so beautiful!

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Orange 76 @hootnoodle Thanks for the Puss in Boots card! I am glad you had a wonderful trip. I don’t really travel outside the USA, but Greece is one place I would go if I venture out!

Rainbow-75 @journeyforth Thank you for the beautiful rainbow card! I love the fields and sky! And as a teacher, I am beyond excited about summer and I don’t even like hot weather! 4 days to go!

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Rainbow 75
@TeachLittleKids Sent a groovy rainbow

Orange-76 :orange_heart:
@hootnoodle Thank you Mary for this art card! :smiley: What were the three new tabletop games that you played? Those kind of games are fun as long as they aren’t too complicated, haha.

I’ll join blue 76

Can I be added to Brown 76, please?

Group Blue 75

Thank you @sleepyhippo1 for the cute postcrosser postcard! It’s so cute! I hope that all the dogs get adopted soon! The parade sounds like so much fun and I hope it helps the pups get some love! :blue_heart:

Black/White 75
Thanks for this Julie De Graag art

Rainbow 75
@CrimsonKing Thank you for the fun rainbow bird card and cute sticker! I know a lot of people in the circumstances you wrote about. It can be tough for sure!
@journeyforth Thank you for the rainbow beach card! I have a couple of trips planned for the summer and I’m very excited!
@sleepyhippo1 Thank you for the rainbow cake cat card! It sounds like the dogs had a great time!
@virgomar0918 Thank you for the rainbow string cat card! Knitting seems so complicated to me-- I’ve been very hesitant to try it.
@Cocosmom Thank you for the Hinckley Lake sunset card! I’m also loving everything being green and in bloom!
@CalicoBeer Thank you for the rainbow jellyfish card! We have a good life out here!
@Sunhilde Thank you for the rainbow bird illustration! I love finding old film-- so many treasured memories to uncover!


@CrimsonKing A fun card showing colorful holiday lights. I like visiting conservatories in the winter. :slight_smile:
@CalicoBeer A car flying into the rainbow! Wheeeee!
@sleepyhippo1 Beautiful rainbow against a waterfall. Thank you for sharing with me!
@Hazygirl Lovely rainbow jellyfish art! I have not had a mint julep either, but I’d probably enjoy it.


@hootnoodle Thanks for the bonus card showing artwork of a woman. You definitely had a good holiday weekend!

The simplest and fun game was a two-person game called Fuzzies. Think of it as Jenga with little fuzzy pom pom balls. We actually played it with simplified rules. Place balls in plastic flat-topped pyramid to mold into shape, then remove pyramid onto a platform. There is a deck of cards with colors. We ignored the directions on the back of the color cards. Players take turns drawing a card with a color. Player has to remove a ball of that color from any place on the pyramid, and place it back on the pyramid at a higher location, though not necessarily at the top. Player may use the included plastic tweezers or fingers, but may touch only one ball at a time. If any ball falls, player keeps that ball, but turn doesn’t end until ball of correct color is placed at higher location and tweezers are passed to opponent. Game ends when one player accumulates 10 balls (or pyramid falls over). Next time we’ll probably try the full rules. They include directions such as “use nondominant hand” or “use your index and middle finger” to remove and replace ball.

Unfortunately, our colorblind son couldn’t play. The peach and aqua-colored balls looked identical to him. I don’t understand why game makers (board games or video games) don’t use a colorblind consultant to choose colors that make games more inclusive. It would cost next to nothing, and it’s easy to find alternate colors with more contrast for colorblind folks (mostly males).

I’ll let you know the names of the other games when I remember them.

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@TeachLittleKids - a poster-style card with Georgia peaches. Thank you. I never hear “y’all” around here.

The other two new games were Lacuna and Aqua. Lacuna is another quick and easy game for two people. Again my son had some difficulty with the colors, but different shapes of game pieces helped. Aqua has lovely artwork, and box says it is for 1-4 people. We played with four.

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Orange 76 card received from @TeachLittleKids thanks for the peach card - made me crave some! Enjoy the summer!