[RR] NA Colors RR 🌈

I’d like to join purple 75 please

I believe this is meant for another thread–not sure which one.

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Okay, sorry!! I will delete

Written today and sending 5/20 Purple Group #75


Have a very purply day!!

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Red-76, please! :red_square:

Rainbow-75 :rainbow:, B/W-75 :black_heart: :white_heart:, Blue-75 :blue_heart: & Purple-75 :purple_heart: out 5/20. :smiley:

Yellow-75 received from @CrimsonKing

Ha ha, this is VERY MUCH me. I am 100% a night owl, always have been. My Mom used to just put me in my room & tell me to be quiet if I wasn’t able to go to sleep. :rofl: Love that you’re into puzzles – I wish I had that patience.

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Green 75
@TeachLittleKids thanks for this green frog

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Purple-75 cards will go out tomorrow.

Please add me to another group.

Green-75 :green_heart:
@TeachLittleKids Thank you Judy for this flowery card! :hibiscus: I have one succulent growing in the kitchen near the window which is the only survivor of plants that I had, yay! I don’t have a green thumb, but happy to see this one thriving. :smiley:

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Green 75

@CalicoBeer I got the gist of the words, no magnifying glass needed yet for me… although the USPS bar code doesn’t help!! :rofl:
Thanks for this art card

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Rainbow-75 will be going out tomorrow!

@CrimsonKing Thank you for the card with the dogwood flowers! They are beautiful. (Pink-74) and Thank you for the BLUE-74 travel card. I love all of the images and the texture of the card!

@Hazygirl Thank you for the Purple (not red) Kale card. I tried to eat kale once and it was not good! YUCK!!!

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Received Purple-74 from @CrimsonKing Thank you so much for the Disney villain! It’s definitely being added to my collection!

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Group Blue-75 has been sent! :blue_heart:

Rainbow 75 in the mail📤

Rainbow, Black/White, Purple mailed

Yellow-75 This is the last for this group!
@CalicoBeer sent this fashion card! We could not be more different people as far as fashion is concerned. Getting me to go clothes shopping growing up was pulling teeth, and even now I’m lucky if I wear something other than jeans and a t-shirt!

Thank you for the wonderful card!

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Green 75 @CrimsonKing Thank you for the wonderful lemur card. He is cute!

Received from @CrimsonKing @hootnoodle two perfect purple cards.