[RR] Alternative Monthly RR - 2022 - Sign-ups closed

November @DCMdVa Send the best Day of the Dead Card. We have big celebrations here in San Jose …love the image.

December @hootnoodle Sent a Saguaro Gathers (First Nations Women) from Arizona . Beautiful Black and White image of those three women.
@Sunshein Sent another First Nations image by Lone Wolf…thanks for the history as well.
@missedith17 Sent a very funny image of Santa with two fighting cats…Yes we are also swamped with Xmas activities…we have a big party here tomorrow.
@roxy sent some Xmas Greetings…and when I live up there in Canada, I always rooted for green Xmas.
Thank you all,


November - @Ringo16 Thank you so much Jess for the awesome large letter card! Such a great addition to my collection. Thank you for taking the time to send everyone a card despite the sad & crazy month you’ve had. I don’t think anyone minds the late surprise cards :heartpulse: Take care of yourself and your family and all the best for 2023!


@Sunshein Thank you so much for the Lantern Press geometric :heartpulse: Very interesting about the names of visitors. I guess we all have this desire to never be forgotten? Another amazing festive washi tape. We are having a big snowstorm today, it’s been snowing for 36 hours, the best to get in the festive spirit. All the best for 2023 my friend!

@missedith17 Thank you SO much for this great addition to my miniatures collection! So many details to look at, I really love it :green_heart: They must all be resistant to water since they are outside? Fascinating. Happy holidays to you and your family!

@hootnoodle Thank you so much for the wonderful Xlarge map of San Juan Islands. I honestly had no idea that there was such an archipelago! Very interesting! I’ve noticed that many of my US friends put up their decorations later than we do. Here, most people are done by November. Happy holidays to you and your family :green_heart: See you in 2023!

@anon95639744 Thank you SO much for this linen beauty of the Chicago stock yard! I actually work in Finance, so this card is very interesting to me! Now we no longer need these stock yards since we’ve figured that it’s much simpler to use derivatives instead! Thank you! Happy holidays with your family :green_heart: See you in the mailbox in 2023!


@nikniknik367 checking in (also my cards are officially out!)

  1. @missedith17 - what a pretty tiger card!
  2. @roxy - a beautiful image of the st. maria maggiore basilica
  3. @nursegarry - an image from st. michael’s church in hawaii

thank you all!

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Also received 5) @Ringo16 's card - burrowing owls are so cute! Thanks!


December @scoutingbear OH no…gotta pay the water bill!!! Thanks for the great card…love the image. Garry

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Sorry for the tardy reporting. I’m having issues with a new medication.

#2 @Beachyblonde - Incline Railway on Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, TN - they always remind me of gondolas you see in ski areas, though the incline carriage is a lot larger than the largest gondola I’ve been on, which held 24 people

#3 @missedith17 - the Pastor’s Orchid reminds me of the lady slipper orchids I discovered as a kid and fell in love with. Great (uncancelled) stamps

#5 @roxy - Season’s Greetings with a vintage vibe and pretty stamps. We actually just “smelled” a skunk not too long ago.

#6 @LaurenceB - fabulous map of Quebec and its regions. My husband just shook his head and muttered “you and your maps”, though he doesn’t seem to mind when we’re on a roadtrip and I find some interesting place to stop and explore!

#10 @oniisen - lots of pretty batik fabrics on display. We were lucky enough to see women creating batiks when we visited St Kitts and Nevis islands. I’ve never gotten up the nerve to cut into the fabrics I bought to make something out of them.

If I don’t speak to you before Christmas and New Year (or your holiday of choice), I wanted to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Thanks for keeping my mailbox filled throughout the year with little colorful cards of joy,




@Ringo16 sent a beautiful Irish doorway

@nursegarry sent a new one for the potato collection - I love Fry-days - cute illustrated french fries

@missedith17 sent a fabulous card of the lobby of the Royal Hotel in Japan - it’s quite the lobby!

Thank you all!


Reporting for December
All cards sent

Received from
@oniisen Greece
@DCMdVa sends a candle


New year, new forum thread!!

Sign ups for January are now open here : [RR] Alternative Monthly RR - 2023 - Sign-ups for January are OPEN!

Hope to see many of you in the mailbox again in 2023 :smiley:

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December update (waiting for 10 & 12)

Love this holiday card, although it looks like everything else in Washington DC Santa had some budget cuts and could only afford five reindeers this year. Also, the cat stickers you put on here are absolutely adorable!


We only have turkey buzzards (and I am slightly obsessed by them) in my area and they look absolutely nothing like this common buzzard. If anything this looks more like the Hawks we have around here.


Look at this cute little dinosaur! Thank you so much for the Vancouver Olympics stamp, I’m slightly obsessed with Canada’s stamps every single one I’ve received so far has been beautiful! All the stickers were super cute also!


You and @LaurenceB are making me so jealous with your 2 weeks off! I managed to somehow get four continuous days off for Christmas this year which is amazing (but I do have to go to the dentist one of those days :disappointed:).


The absolute stranglehold that weekly world news had on me when I was younger was amazing. I miss it. I wonder what Bat Boy is up to these days. Also, the bear riding the bicycle sticker is adorable!


I forgot to post; I’ve sent all cards for December.

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@sunshein sent a beautiful barn in scenic German countryside

@laurenceb sent a decorated Pantone card - love that idea! I’ve seen this done before … I might need to pick up that set one of these days and do the same

@hootnoodle sent some Lego flowerpots - nice to see you in this RR Mary!

@scoutingbear sent a card of a great old barn and corral



@Ringo16 sent an amazing card of B-17 “Sentimental Journey” with WWII nose art. Wow, thanks so much for this wonderful card and hope to visit this museum. Thank you for your card. Sending virtual hugs to you!


@roxy sent this lovely red Christmas card with amazing decor on the back side. Thanks for the pretty card, and have a happy holiday!

@hootnoodle sent a terrific and joyful card with vintage stamps. Thank you! Hope you and your family are enjoying the visit for the holidays and decorating. The play and choral group sound delightful!

@Beachyblonde sent a merry mailbox with matching sticker! I totally understand about having a particular something and not being able to find it when it is time. Happy to find your card in my mailbox. Thank you!


@hootnoodle I just realized you sent me a card I specifically favorited! Thank you so much!!!

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@roxy - A Victorian boy carrying Christmas packages in the falling snow, plus gorgeous stamps. Thank you.

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Thanks for the funny card @scoutingbear

December @DCMdVa Thank you for Xmas greetings for Seattle.
@LaurenceB thank you for the snowy postcard!! Love the stamps.
@oniisen Thank you for the card…so timely

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December cards
@roxy I like the Santa peeking in the window on the card!
@Sunshein Thanks for the AZ cacti card!


Hope you all had a happy holiday season. Mine was a lot busier than expected.

#8 @DCMdVa - awesome lace Christmas card. I can tell the days my regular mailman is off because it’s then that a mail disaster happens - mail left on the ground, the wrong mail is delivered, mail is not delivered… so I definitely sympathize with you. One Sunday we were out walking the dog at 8 pm when we saw our mailman delivering parcels. NUTS!
#9 @scoutingbear - cards with lots of spinning wheels. Did you know it takes an average of 6-8 highly proficient spinners to keep one weaver busy? It’s why the Spinning Jenny was so revolutionary. If you ever have the chance to watch a sheep-to-shawl competition, take a look at how many spinners are there to the single weaver.


@Sunshein sent this gorgeous view of the Delicate Arch and amazing clouds at Arches National Park. Thanks for the lovely card and looking through my favorites wall. I’m sorry to ready about the road closures and crowds. Hopefully watching the World Cup helped to balance out the experience!

@oniisen sent a great collection of food and nice vintage stamps. Thanks so much for the cool card and message! I love places with great desserts all year round, and I love restaurants with delicious soups this time of year.