ROVANIEMI - Santa Claus Village Meetup - 26 Mar 2022

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Rovaniemi
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Forest Manor / Metsäkartano, Pukinpolku 9, Rovaniemi
:calendar: DATE: Saturday 26 March 2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10.00 - 18.00 EET
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

The first Santa Claus Village Meetup was planned for March 2020, but it was canceled in 2020 and 2021 due to Covid-19.

Now we try again with Covid Passport (if needed).

Due to meetup name badges, food allergies etc, we need registration - as usual - at the Finnish Postcrossing Friends Association website at Joulupukin Pajakylämiitti Rovaniemellä 26.3.2022 - Suomen postcrossingyhdistys ry

Meetup is open to everyone but registration is required.


Hi! Is someone interested in swap? Here is my swap album: на обмен – 481 Bilder | VK

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I will be glad to exchange )))

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Hi! Is someone interested in swap?

I would offer 3 (three) viewcards blanc in envelope for one meetup card or other card postmarked
at SCPO on 26th of March.
This date is very special to me so feel free to apply multiple times or different people.

Thanks a lot and have fun at the Santa claus Village

Today I received two official Postcrossing cards signed at this meeting, so thank you to everyone for the cards. There’s a lot of names and I guess there is a more complete thread in the Finnish language section.

I was very happy to receive the beautiful meetup card from Pia. Thanks everybody for signing and Pia also for sending :slight_smile: