[Romanian] Comunitatea postcrossing din România 🇷🇴

Propun ca aici să ne putem întâlni (virtual), să putem schimba idei, să facem schimburi sau orice altceva “postcrossing related” - bineînțeles, în limba română :romania: :slight_smile:
Păreri, opinii, sugestii? :scroll: :black_nib:

Buna! Saptamana asta merg in Romania pentru o luna si vreau sa trimit vederi in travel mode. Am cateva intrebari legate de timbre:

  • Timbrul are acelasi pret (5.5 lei) pentru Europa is restul lumii, corect?
  • De unde pot cumpara timbre online? Ma intereseaza timbre separate, nu colectii intregi cum se vand pe romfilatelia.ro. La posta banuiesc ca nu au oferta prea variata.

Multumesc mult!

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Sabina, te-am ratat aici pe forum, dar se pare ca deja ne-am intalnit online :wink:
Toate cele bune!
Mihnea Raducu

:romania: De ziua națională a româniei vă doresc o zi frumoasă.

La mulţi ani, români din toate colțurile lumi!

La multi ani! Toate cele bune din Bucuresti!

Buna ziua! I’m sorry for writing in English, but I thought it would be best not to spam the Other Languages & Regions section with by creating a new topic.

I would like to ask postcrossers that are based in Romania: have you been able to send postcards to Greece the past 8 months?
I’ve arranged multiple swaps with people from Romania and they never arrived. The Postal Monitor says that there is no mail disruption to Greece and the postcards that I send in Romania seem to arrive within a reasonable time.

Hello Agapara. no problem regd English :slight_smile: Yes - the postal system works quite good between Romania and Greece. I just sent on 4 March a letter to Thassos and it arrived last week - so maximum 2 weeks is the transit time. Maybe who promised did not manage to send it? nevertheless - if you want a card from Romania - you can order it here - specify also what model: ~ Any postcard from Romania| Postcards Market


Thank you very much for your help @mihneaR ! :slight_smile:

Am început să învăț să vorbesc limba română. Eu nu pot face o mare parte din ea încă. Există cineva în România care va învăța olandeză sau română care a ajuns să locuiască în Olanda? Poate atunci ne putem învăța reciproc limba trimițându-ne reciproc o carte din când în când … (Acest text a fost tradus cu Google Translate)

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Salutare Ronald! Foarte interesant ca te-ai hotarat sa inveti limba română, si iti pot spune de pe acum ca nu va fi usor :slight_smile: insa, cu siguranta sunt români stabiliti in Olanda care se vor bucura sa scrie o carte postala in Româneste :smiley: Dacă doresti sa iti scriu o carte postala din Bucuresti, da-mi adresa ta intr-un mesaj!


Hi @agapara, I sent an official to Greece to a very active member back in December and it still hasn’t been registered. I will try to resend soon and let you know if it arrives this time. Maybe there’s a bag stuck somewhere with our cards in it :slight_smile:

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Hello again :smiley: I’m returning to this topic that has helped me before, because I’m visiting Bucharest in 2 weeks :romania: and I would like to ask: what is the best place to find stamps in Bucharest? Do they sell them at specific shops or should I go to the post office and send my cards?

Hello! near the National Theatre in Bucharest (in back of it- on Jean Luis Calderon Street) there are 2 places: one Romfilatelia shop, with many stamps, but not the best option if you want to send only cards, because they sell entire series of stamps, usually with one value quite high - eg 28 lei, and across the street The Post Office number 37, where you can find stamps one by one, quite a lot of varietes. Yet, in rhe Post office can be quite crowded. PM me if you want tips and tricks where to find also postcards :slight_smile: P.s the postage cost to send a postcard is 11 lei priority and 7,5 lei non priority.


Hi! Could someone in Romania please help me understand what happened to pre-2005 stamps, once the new currency reform took place? Are they still valid postage today under some currency exchange, or are they perhaps invalid?

I can’t seem to find much information about this online (at least not in English), so any help would be appreciated!

Hello @meiadeleite ! All stamps issued before 2005 becomes invalid because was another currency. In 2005 10.000 lei becomes 1 leu. and 1.000.000 becomes 100 lei.

The Romanian Central Bank issue a Rule that all old currency becomes invalid. (including Coins, Bancknotes, Stamps - all. (about stamps is self-explanatory)

Here is one text : this is one: when in 1996 all currency before was cancelled https://www-bnr-ro.translate.goog/apage-Mobile.aspx?pid=404&actId=93803&_x_tr_sl=ro&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ro&_x_tr_pto=wapp
and this is the second one from 2005 when all between 1996 and 2005 was denominated https://www-bnr-ro.translate.goog/Denominare-1335.aspx?_x_tr_sl=ro&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ro&_x_tr_pto=wapp

Here is a law from 2006 - you can use a translator - saying about stamps before 2005 in old denomination (but not clearly, of course) - still in place (valid) REGULAMENT 28/01/2005 (Article RL116)

so - indeed - there is no clear text anyehwere that is illegal to use in 2023 stamps from 1993 , or from 2002 because it is obvious. it is totally something different - now in 2023 than in 1993. Idea is that I know some Romanian People uising stamps from 1992 - 1993 - because the currency looks the same. Yet - one fact that might be taken into consideration is: On all valid stamps must write ROMANIA and no POSTA ROMÂNĂ - all stamps with Posta Romana on them are not valid nowadays.

Here is the only text with referrence to stamps form Romanian Authority of Communication - issued in 2011. The article 15 was never applied by Romfilatelia - to issue a " decision of retreat from circulation of the stamps" - the file is in Romanian

Nu știu dacă încă este cineva activ aici?
Aș vrea să organizez o întâlnire în Timișoara dar habar nu am cum sa o fac (vreau sa fie o întâlnire cu o carte poștala și tot).
Cineva îmi poate explica (@mihneaR știu ca organizezi multe întâlniri în București, poste ai idee :slight_smile: )

Hai aici sa vedem cine mai e prin Timisoara :smiley: si cum sa putem ajuta Redirecting...


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