Rochester (SE Minnesota), Sept 18, 2021

I’ll take 30 cards. Thank you. I can’t wait. And I think they will be asking us to wear mask.

I’ll take 15

I’ll take 15 also.

Oh, you can make it? Great!

Yes I will be there!

I’m sorry to hear about the printer mess up. In my experience, the printer is NEVER AT FAULT and it is always the customers (totally sarcasm, but I am sorry it happened).

Lovely Design!

Hello. I am living in northern Minnesota, so i won’t be able to attend. @sannah82 is it possible to order cards for people who are unable to attend? I would be happy to pay for postage if you would be willing to ship them? If not, it’s okay! I just love teh design and I love my Minnesota Postcrossers!


Sent you a message, @Mapswell!

I just got bad news. I can not attend the meet up tomorrow. I’m so upset. My driver can’t bring me. Cuz something happened. How could I get the cards? I can pay for postage and stuff. Thank you. I was so looking forward to this.

Bummer, but thanks for letting me know! I’ll send you a message.

Ok. Thank you. Which e-mail are you sending it to? If you could send it to my gmail that would be nice.

Thanks to everyone coming today!


It was wonderful to meet everyone today! Looking forward to our next get together :slight_smile:

Thank you everyone for signing that post card for me.