Request/Swap U.S. nature site

Hello Postcrossing friends!

We are excited as we have created a family postcard challenge for 2023! Maybe you can help us with it… :blush:

Do you have a (non-national park) nature site postcard (that you have been to) from one of the following states-

North Dakota
Rhode Island

State, and county parks are the unsung beauties of our country. Also preserves, rivers, caves, mountains, beaches, swamps,deserts, waterfalls and conservation sites! Basically any nature site that is not a national park…

While we think National Parks are great, our goal is to discover the “other” nature of North America. We would love :heart: to see and hear about your experiences outdoors…big or small memories…recent or long ago!

We are equally interested in making your half of the swap a happy one for you! What would you like to receive? Maybe we have it! Ask us to send pics…We are happy to send pictures of our postcards from your favorite themes to pick from… with no obligation to accept the swap.

Thank you for taking the time to consider our swap request.

Wishing you a beautiful day.
Take Care,

I think this is a lovely idea Daisy! I’m going to one of those states in September so if I see a card like this, I’ll send it your way :slight_smile:

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