[REQUEST] People from US states WBMP

Hello! I have collected a lot of US state postcards that are unwritten! I would love it if people from these states:

– Virginia
– Maryland
– Pennsylvania
– Florida
– West Virginia
– Washington DC

could write back one or two of my postcards, and you can choose one or two postcards from my offer albums for me to send you (or I can write back one or two of your postcards)

Here are my offers!


Im I. Massachussets:)
I could totally send back a card to you :slight_smile:
I would love the loupaper marylabd card back in return :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart::+1:t2:

I would also take the West Virginia loupaper card the the USA card with the cats :slight_smile:

Still up!

I’m in Yorktown, Virginia and happy to write back your VA card. I’d love to receive your Lou paper or last Maryland card in the series album.

Also from Virginia if you need me, just let me know!

@StephofYorktown I grew up in Mathews! I live on the other side of the state now but the middle peninsula is still home. :purple_heart:

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It’s a small world! :smiley:


I’m in Florida and I’d be happy to write back your postcard if you’re still looking for folks to do this. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello! I live in Maryland and work in DC. I can send you either or both.

I can do Florida also if you still have cards and need tte help!


If this is still open, I can send from Pennsylvania as I’m there every couple of weeks! :smiley: