Receiving postcards from your own city

So today I finally got a postcard from my own state, which made me wonder: Is it possible to pull an address from your own city/town?


Pretty sure I read somewhere on the Forum that this is not likely or impossible - that algorithm is set up to protect people’s privacy so it’s not possible.


That’s what I was thinking, it had to be a safety/privacy issue. Thanks :))


I think it’s within so many km or miles that you can’t draw an address.


I actually think it’s just your own city that’s excluded. I have sent a card to someone in my neighboring town, which is really, really close - 8 km according to Postcrossing, but from town border to town border it is 0 in reality.


Agreed, I sent/received cards from my neighbour town as well. (I think it was 10km once and 13km the other time, from town center to town center)


My Daughter’s first postcard (from the forum here) was from near her city, and it was an image of her city!


Previously this could be done in travel mode. Then the administration turned off this possibility.


For people living in Bergen, there are actually four options, other than Bergen, to choose as your home. Two of them, Tertnes and Nyborg, are actually neighbourhoods in another, Åsane. So if Postcrossing don’t use distance, only place name, these people can basically get a card from next door. We also have loads of smaller islands and communities surrounding the city, which are very much local to us, so if this is about privacy it’s not working very well.

Not that I believe anyone who wanted to hurt you would mind travelling 100 km, anyway…


I thought it was a number of km, but from people’s experience seems to be city instead. I never really had the experience so I don’t know - closest I sent was 52km when I was in the UK and it was a different region and all.

I live in Singapore now. It is only one city :joy: I always wonder if it is possible to receive from within Singapore or not :joy: I imagine not. The max distance between two points is probably around 50km… :thinking:

not from the same city but my closest has been sending to a neighbouring city (62 km or 38 miles). it took 6 days to travel through the mail when driving takes only 45 mins! :joy:


Why don’t you enable the option to send and receive from your own country to validate this hypothesis :smile:

@yudi It’s on! Always has been! No data :joy: (as in, it has never happened. Is that because it’s impossible, or because it just hasn’t happened? :smiley: )

So what if I do travel mode in the next city over? Would it still be possible for me to draw an address in my actual hometown?

I participated in a lottery where we should write the closest destination we got (in my case around 120km) but what surprised me was the creator of the post said his closest postcard was in the same city and he took it there personally as it was just a few km from his home.
A glitch maybe?..

(I copied from the post:
“9Km: This one was delivered by walk by myself.”)

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I think it’s not possible.

If there was a distance, then the two profiles must have different cities in their settings. Or perhaps the city has a weird history, like mine. One part of Bochum (Wattenscheid) used to be an independent town not too long ago (45 years) and I think you can still pick it as a city here in Postcrossing, even though it’s the same town as Bochum now.
Edit: I tried, you can pick Wattenscheid as a city even though it’s just part of another city. :woman_shrugging:t2:


You’re right, they’re signed with different cities (I thought it was only different neighborhoods) :wink::+1:

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It’s the same for my hometown. One could choose Grohn instead of Bremen, but it’s been part of the city since 1939 :rofl:


Oooh, now that got me curious - and voilà, you can choose Opladen as your city, which has been a part of my hometown Leverkusen since 1975. :sweat_smile: Two people have actually done so, so I could exchange postcards within my own town after all. Huh … :thinking:


I believe it would be possible to get a postcard from my own city, as Ottawa was amalgamated in early 2000s along with many cities in Ontario. My own area is called Vanier, which is what I chose since it what my actually address from Canada Post is too - although Vanier as a city ceased to exist in the early 2000s. We have many small communities that are technically within the City of Ottawa. I have not received any officials from the Ottawa area, but believe it could be possible if someone chose Ottawa or one of the many communities surrounding the area.

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