Received postcards you don't like?

As for the cards, I’ve received only 390 so I have enough place to store them. Every card is really appreciated. I can’t imagine what sort of card it should be so that I really dislike it. If such a disgusting one exists, it will be recycled.

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I have received well over 7000 postcards. Volume becomes a problem. I save some for a Postcrossing friend who likes a particular country. I give repeat cat postcards to two friends who collect them. For a while I gave good condition cards to a Postcard dealer. At another time I gave some Russian postcards to a family who has a child learning Russian. I am putting some in a box to sell cheap to someone on a stamp site ($10 plus postage for a Medium sized flat rate box USPS).


So far I have kept every postcard I have received and I have over 2000. I live in a small apartment and I am running out of space. I really have to go through all my postcards and recycle the ones that are not my favorites. It sounds brutal but I think it’s understandable.


I used to register them, then throw them out.

Obviously register them. Then store them. Maybe if one day there are too many cards I’m gonna give them away.
I already had to throw away loads of cards long before I deiscovered postcrossing, because you cannot keep everything forever. And if I have to move that’s the time I look at everything and give away what I don’t need or want anymore.

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I keep and register all the cards I receive. I might not like a card but the sender chose it for me, wrote it and spent money to send it so I appreciate the effort. Nobody here knows me and my tastes and I can’t expect they will choose the perfect card for me.


I keep every card. Even if I don’t like it that much, someone took the time to send it to me and write me a message. I really appreciate that.
Thinking about it, I think I appreciate them more than a really nice cards what only have written “happy postcrossing” or just the senders name on it.
But I haven’t received much cards I don’t like.


This is such a clever idea. I will make one too.

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Anyway, I’m happy with any card I get.
And 99% are fine images too.
Of course you’ll like some better than others, but you can’t help it. Every person has their own taste.

But when an image is really unacceptable to me, I paste another image over it myself. That way the described side is preserved and I am not annoyed by the image. So far it has happened twice.
And 1 time I covered a small part of the image with another representation.

All in all, of course, it would be good if everyone would send cards that are decent, family and child friendly. Because children also enjoy the cards.

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deleted, I just saw someone making the same recommenation. I am sorry

I keep them! Tbh I actually haven’t found one that I didn’t like. I appreciate all of the postcards I receive. Even if the image isn’t my cup of tea, the writing on the back is one of a kind and I can’t throw that away!


This is what I do too. I can’t say I have received more than a dozen cards that ‘I don’t like’ out of thousands. I simply have to keep only the ones that appeal the most (not that I don’t like the others) due to storage space issues.

I once received a chewed up envelope with ID on it, without any stamps (with “paid” postmark), inside was a piece of paper which just said: “I collect stamps, send me mint stamps”… that’s it, not even “please” :upside_down_face: that was the only thing in 6 years and 1000 cards that went straight into garbage right after registration.


There’s one where I hope they mixed up cards.
The text is rather short and after a hi it’s basically “I miss the good old times from when this picture was taken”. On the card: an old tank.
Of it wasn’t a mix up then I hope this person was talking about his time in the military.


I wouldn’t even have registered it, for there was no postcard in it.

By the way: You have neither a card sent nor a card received. To which account name do you refer?


I got what I thought was a rather rude hurray message the other day. The profile had asked for some things, and specified no creepy animal photos. So I sent them a card with a tarsier, an animal I consider very cute. They did register the card but said they thought it was creepy and that I shouldn’t have sent it. They also deleted the photo, which is annoying as I want my wall as complete as possible.


Postcards that do not interest me, I put in a separate box. In the future, when I have more postcards, I will be able to distribute them by topic.

But you just joined Postcrossing today?

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Maybe it’s a “forum account”, I know one old member made such too, their normal account has a lot of sent and received, but forum account doesn’t.

I thought to do this too, would not be so easy to connect forum and my account.
A little safety thing. Then I forgot :grinning:

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I swapped cards that I dont like, twice :sweat_smile:
I dont have that much yet now so I havent done it again.
I think that I will do once I have too many too keep.
Take picture of all of them, maybe 4x4 cards in 1 photo, then offer them to people, because I know what I dont like may be someone’s favourite.
I have done 5 used card : 1 blank card once.
I get an original pretty jetoy card on this swap :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I dont mind it’s written and not address to me. My swap partner doesnt like it :scream: She just want to get rid of it and get new cards to sent.
Then swapped 7 used card : 7 used card (not yet arrived though)
Apparently she doesnt like these cards which are my favourite, and in return she want postcards that have many stamps on it (she loves stamps)
So everyone is happy :grin:
As of personal detail, I am not too fussy, but for those who are fussy, you can cover the address and message on the card.