Quick grab bag lottery

I’m cleaning out my desk drawers. Found a bunch of sticker sheets that aren’t full; snippets of stickers, scrapbooking stuff, a few strange postcards, and odds & ends. I’ll pick a winner and mail the package at the end of this week if it’s not snowing. No pics…just a grab bag of postcrossing-friendly stuff. Number consecutively and tag yourself.


1 @anon45495588
Thanks for the chance

2 @BeeJoyful
Thanks for the fun lottery!

3 @Yulia-and-Mark

4 @BarbL

Thanks for the lottery!!

#5 @thatheavyheart

Thank you!


Thank you !

#7 @pammykay

Thank you for your lottery.

#8 @StephofYorktown
I love surprises!

#9 thank you! :heartpulse:

#10 @misslyss

So fun! Thank you :pray:

#11 @sunflak
Thanks so much! Good luck with the cleaning, and with the snow!

#12 @Michelle305

Thanks for the awesome offer!

#13 @vikneshkumar

#14 @MapleMail
Thank you!

#15 @disasterwoman

Thank you for the lottery!

#16 @Malika1604
Thank you very much for this amazing lottery!

#17 @caesarpag
Thanks for the lottery.

#18 @Alyonushka-SPb
Thank you very much for your wonderful lottery!

19 # Thanks :pray: cx