Questions about the Postcrossing Wikipedia Page

The Postcrossing-themed stamps section on on the Postcrossing Wikipedia page could use some help.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could help by adding a brief description to any of the stamps in the gallery.

Please feel free to add any relevant information about the stamps including but not limited to:

  • releasing entity (post office, company, etc)
  • place and/or event where the stamps were first presented
  • number of stamps in the set
  • types of stamps in the set (country, region, or international)
  • who designed the stamps
  • description of what is represented on the stamps
  • reference to any news articles about the stamps

Also, if you have any uncirculated Postcrossing-themed stamps, it would be great to replace any of the current images with a copyright-free, high resolution, straight on photograph of the stamp(s) or entire sheet.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like help in updating the page.

Thank you!


I would love to help with the Brazilian Postcrossing stamp, but I don’t know how to do it.

I’m happy to help anyone learn how to modify the Wikipedia page.
Unfortunately, we’ve run into some copyright issues with many of the images I had added. If you have any information about a Postcrossing stamp being published in the public domain (copyright-free) or you have some way of contacting the copyright owner and getting explicit permission that it can be published as copyright-free image for the Wikipedia site, that would be immensely helpful.

There are still a few public domain images on the page that descriptions though, so please feel free to help right out a description for those if you can.

Thank you

Heya, friends!

I noticed that on the wikipedia page about Postcrossing, if you scroll to the part about the forum it will send you to the old forum. This appears on the portuguese version, not on the english one. So…

a) I wonder if this is happening in other languages too?
b) Does anyone has the ability to edit things on wikipedia and would be able to correct this information? I cannot do it, unfortunately.


I thought that everyone could edit articles on wikipedia? Did you give it a try?
If not it would help if you posted a link to that wikipedia article.

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Dear @Reisegern and @alter3ch0

By chance, I read another topic related to Wikipedia (this one) this morning.
I have changed the Headline and moved your posts - so we have questions and hints about wikipedia bundled in one topic.


This is the most recent page.
Readers are directed to the current forum.

  • This page was last edited on 31 January 2022, at 10:14 (UTC).
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Very much appreciated, dear Jette. Now the Portuguese version goes also to this forum instead of the older one. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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You’re welcome dear @alter3ch0 :smiley: