Questions about the post office in morocco

Hello everybody!

At the end of the month I’m going to take a trip to Morocco, more specifically Marrakesh and I have some doubts. If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it!

  • What are the best places to buy postcards?

  • Is there a place in Marrakech that has a lot of stamps and/or philately material?

Thanks to anyone who can help!

I actually was in Marrakech recently (in fact, I left the city and country exactly two weeks ago). As for the best places in Marrakech to buy postcards, I recommend the Medina quarter. Actually, there’s a kiosk adjacent to a post office in the Medina quarter that sells postcards. Now that post office was closed when I was there last month. But that kiosk is a great place to buy postcards. I’m sure there are places in the Medina quarter where you can easily find postcards.

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