Questions about postal routes between countries and mainland China (People's Republic of China)

Hello, everyone.

I would like to ask if your country/region can currently send letters/postcards to mainland China (People’s Republic of China).
Although I asked the same question when the epidemic in mainland China re-emerged in March this year, I recently learned from my friends that there are still some countries and regions that cannot send letters/postcards to mainland China (People’s Republic of China) .

I hope to get more news about the current postal routes between countries and mainland China (People’s Republic of China), thank you very much.


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You can check that yourself if you want by looking at the Postal Monitor - it’s usually up to date but Postcrossing does rely on members to flag any changes in their service so they can update this page.

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There are no direct USA - China flights at present, but USPS has not officially discontinued Chinese mail. I’m assuming they are holding those to send later?

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I’ve sent one postcard from China to the USA once in registered way, and soon after the postcard leave the custom in Guangzhou it was received by Korean Air and been shipped to Seoul.Few days later it arrived at the USPS ISC in New York.I guess maybe USPS may also use this way to send their cards to China.

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