Project " all over the world"

Thanks a million for your kindness, if you need something for you or for a project, let me know, it’ll be a pleasure to help you. Have a wonderful day.

Ik stuur een kaartje

Thanks for your kidness. If you need something for you or for a project,let le know; I’ll be glad to help you. Have a wonderful day.

Hello, I can offer a card from Czech Republic. Do you prefer me to write it in english or french?

Thank you for your kindness, you can write in both language. If you want something for you or a project, let me know, I’ll bepleased to help you. Have a wonderful day.

Hello Solea, I will send a card from Germany :slight_smile: I currently plan a birthday surprise for my father’s 80th birthday in the Spread the Joy! (non-RAS)- section of the forum. So I know how wonderful it is to get help from the wonderful postcrossing community and will help your daughter with her project. Greetings from Germany :wave:

Hi there! I’ll collaborate to this little big project from Italy soon
Paolo aka supertramp78

Cthanks foryour kindnes! It’ll be a pleasure to send a card to your grand father. I’ll have a looke in the section today. Have a wonderful time.

Thanks for your kindness! If you need something for you or for a project, let me know, it’ll be a pleasure to help you. Have a wonderful time.

Solea I will send from UK
Good Luck

A card from Chicago is on the way!

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Thanks for your kidness, if I can help you in any way, it’ll be a pleasure. Have a nice holiday time.

Sending from the US.
Happy New Year.

Thanks a lot for your kidness, if I can help you in any way,let me know, it’ll be a pleasure. Have a nice Christmas and happy year 2023.

I will send from Brazil

Thanks a lot for your kidness! If I can help you in any way,let me know, it’ll be a pleasure.

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I have two in the mail on their way from Los Angeles, California!

Thanks so much for your kidness! If you need some help for something, let me know. It’ll be a pleasure to please you. Have a nice season’s holidays.