
I am 11 years old and am supervised by my grandfather who also belongs to postcrossing. I have filled out my profile several times but it does not save. What am I doing wrong?

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Have you scrolled down and pressed the button “Save changes”?


How’s your character count in your profile?

See the numbers in the lower right hand corner below the box you write in? If you’re over 3000 then your profile won’t save & you need to make it shorter.


Only 400 characters

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I’d cut & paste what you wrote & save it somewhere else on your computer first & then I’d refresh the Postcrossing page & try again.

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still not successful

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That sucks - any computer savvy grown-ups around?

You could also post this same question in the help section for more suggestions, but I’d list all the things you’ve tried so far as well.

If you don’t get any other suggestions that work in the Help section, I’d also contact Admin - maybe there’s a problem with the settings on your profile - you can send a message here: Contact us

You’ll need to be patient as it’s after midnight their time & they’re often busy.

We’ll get this solved! Hang in there! It’s worth it!


I moved this topic to the #postcrossing:help section.


Alyissa has contacted us in the meantime and we sorted out the issue (the website field was being filled with a non-URL) so I’m closing this.

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