Profile Typeface (e.g. bold)

In editing my profile, can I make words bold or italic or underlined, etc.? If so, how?


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There is no way on the main site profile to emphasis any particular words. There is no markup language used on the profiles.


Maybe you can try things such as ā€˜decorationsā€™.
For example:

"My hobbies are this and that.
I live in cityname.

I work as job title.

The cards I love the most are CATS! : )

Look forward to see your card arrive!"



Hereā€™s a double-edged thanks: very happy for a reply, not so much for the answer! :wink: But I still appreciate the help!

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Iā€™m trying to update my Profile and I canā€™t remember how to change text to BOLD (For example, I can cut and paste existing year text, but canā€™t get the 4th to bold) . I obviously did it before, but it was more than a year ago and Iā€™ve forgotten how.
Hardware: Kindle Fire or Samsung Phone

P.S. Actively editing; what you might read isnā€™t the final text.

:turtle: TurtlePoint

That is how to write bold in the forum, but that donā€™t work on the main page.

But maybe @Angelthecat can help as she has also some bold written words in her profile.

I use sites like ā€œinstafontsā€.

You have a lot of possibilities for bold, cursive, crinkle, playful ect.


As I found your old Topic with the same question I moved all answers to here.

Thank you @Angelthecat That is very helpful :+1:


Just as a note, using that kind of ā€œfontā€ is likely to be unreadable for anyone using a screenreader. Instead of reading the words, it will read out things like ā€œmathematical notation lowercase h, mathematical notation lowercase e, mathematical notation lowercase l, mathematical notation lowercase l, mathematical notation lowercase oā€ instead of ā€œhelloā€.

This is because those letters arenā€™t ā€œfontsā€ in the same way as Times New Roman or Calibri. They are available because they are mathematical notation or important symbols.

Some screenreaders now ignore the proper user of the characters and just read them ā€œnormallyā€, because people misuse them so muchā€¦ But many still donā€™t, because it then makes it impossible for people to properly read equations (the actual intended use) with screenreaders.

Some of the ā€œfontsā€ would also be difficult for someone using a screen magnifier or font changer to read, since it makes the letters less distinct.

For accessibilityā€™s sake, I personally avoid using these ā€œfontsā€, but if you really like them I would recommend using them sparingly and just for decoration, rather than for anything you actually want people to be able to read.


Thatā€™s it!!! Turns out that I even have that site bookmarked, but had not used it in over a year. Aging brain lapse. :persevere: Thanks very much!

Also, @shanaqui : thanks for your input. I have limited to no knowledge of the workings of screenreaders. As I redesign my profile page, I find myself making all kinds of changes based on reading all kinds of profiles over the last four years - good changes, I hope. And I will now try to consider these as well.

Thanks again everyone for your help!


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