Problem in a Postcrossing Census 2021 question

Hello Postcrossers,

I received the Postcrossing cencus 2021 email and immedietly started to answer it. But in the drop down menu of the answers for the question “In which year did you join Postcrossing?”, it does not contain year the 2021. It ends in 2020. I think this is a mistake, but if it is not, how could I input that I have joined in 2021?


Yes, I faced the same issue. I joined postcrossing in 2021, but was not able to answer that question.
I left it blank and proceeded to complete the census.

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Ah, bummer! :sweat_smile: Sorry about that — should be fixed now.


Yes, it’s fixed now - all good! I just completed it myself :slight_smile:

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By the way, it’s currently possible to answer the questionnaire more than once. I don’t know if that’s on purpose (multiple postcrossers in one household?) or not, but I figured I would mention it.

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Yes, it is now fixed. Thank you so much. I have submitted my answers.

What is the year most postcrossers have joined?

I had completed last year 31.12.2021. lol