🇨🇿 přidat se k objednávce?;) + Kde jsou Češi?

Ahoj:)) mám nakonec dvě témata:)

  1. Mám v planu objednávat z webovky Oftis pohledy, mají třeba tyhle krásně mapy Putování krajinou s erby ale poštovné je přes 100, když je objednávka za 1000, tak zdarma. Sama přes 1000 nedám, tak za 500 max, 100 je mi hodně a tak si říkám… Co takhle se slozit s někým z Prahy, s kým bychom udělali společnou objednávku a potom si peníze a pohledy předali?:slight_smile: A o poštovné se podělili/neměli ho?:slight_smile: Nechcete se někdo přidat?:wink:

  2. A další dotaz, je někde diskuze české komunity Postcrossingove? Před pár lety jsme doooost jeli na lidech, pak se změnily a myslím, že jsme se nějak rozpadly, nebo aspoň já odpadla… a chybí mi to! Je někde nějaká platforma?:wink:

Mějte se krásně,


Ahoj Zuzko,
na FB je skupina “Postcrossing CZ (ceska diskuze o tomto hobby)”. Dost casto se tam resi spolecne objednavky, tak to muzes zkusit tam.


I have a question about Czech stamps — maybe someone here will be able to answer?

I would like to know whether it’s possible to combine different stamps on a postcard or envelope — for instance, put both an A and B stamp to make up the postage for the rest of the world. Or, maybe it’s only possible to combine letter stamps with stamps that have the number postage value on them? :thinking:

You can combine any stamps to make up the postage (A/B/E/with nominal value).
The combination of A+B stamp will make up the correct postage to send to countries outside of EU (45czk).
Currently A=26czk, B=19czk, E=39czk, Z = 45czk
Stamps A, B are intended for domestic postage, E for EU countries, Z for countries outside of EU.
Hope it helps!


Děkuju! :pray:

Ahoj! Can any Czech Postcrossers help me…?I’m hoping to visit my sister in Praha soon. What stamp would I need to send cards back to Scotland? Do we count as a non-EU Euro country, using an E stamp, or are we now a Z country?

Thank you for your help! :love_letter:

To Scotland postal tariff is via usual post for, up to 50gramm = 39CZK, up to 100 gramm =58CZK, up to 250 gramm = 111CZK; up to 500 gramm = 153 CZK
This tarif meens “mimo EU contries”. Don’t look on A, B, E or Z, These are terms meens currently postal situation in Czech, characterizes advertising for the population, politic and economic reason.
You can put on cover, cards what you want, but not less that postal tariff.
Thats meen for 1 card you can use E = 39CZK for up to 50 gramm to Scotland or every country in Europa area, its would be ok.

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@Lovely_card thank you so much! Looking forward to my trip! Can’t wait to send some cards home! :european_castle::postbox:

Sure, you are welcome! :slight_smile:

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Dear users from Czech Republic, maybe you can help?

The user looks for the sender of this card. https://postcrossing-forum-upload.s3.dualstack.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/original/4X/6/8/4/684c8099a5b051b40904a6fcc8fd9651fad2880b.jpeg

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Dear Postcrossers from Czech Republic,
I have been learning Czech but I am still very much a beginner and can’t understand very much.
So maybe someone of you can help me with understanding a Czech song better?

I found it some time ago on YouTube and I like it a lot. It is a cover version of Lady Gaga’s “A million reasons” but I like this version a lot more than that of Lady Gaga. I also enjoy very much watching the video with the girl walking through some beautiful Czech town/city.

So here are my questions: 1. Can anyone tell me which town or city in Czech Republic it is
and 2. Are the lyrics a translation of the Lady Gaga song or does the girl sing something different? I could not find the lyrics in Internet and I am not yet so far with learning Czech to understand it by myself…

Here is the video:

Nella Zámková - Důvod

Dear users from Czech Republic I am searching for someone who is willing to help me.
I want to have this Pandora charm but it is available only in Czechia. Is there anyone willing to buy me one and send it to me (Croatia)? I would pay in advance by Paypal/ Revolut.
Thank you very much!

Hi :slightly_smiling_face: I think it’s in Karlovy Vary.

This is here: Mlýnská kolonáda

And this is Tržní kolonáda

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Thank you very much! It is so great that I know now where it is!

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Hello to all dear postcrossers from the Czech Republic.
I am going to travel soon to Praha and I would love to buy philatellic stamps there. Where you recommend me to go? Either post office or a philatelly shop. My favourites are joint issue stamps. I am also open to meet someone there.
Have a great time,

Hi Esteban!

These are posts with philatelic stamps:


I have great experience with the main post in Jindřišská and Prague’s castle too :slight_smile:
All other post offices do have stamps, but usually a random single stamp for a destination.