Preference of country's you want to send a postcard to.

I’m super excited when I have to send a postcard to other countries than the US, Germany or my own country.

I love sending postcards, and I also get excited when it is not Germany, or my own country. I believe I have sent a postcard to nearly every city in Germany. I would love it if I could the country I sent the postcard too. I would love to get postcards from Africa or eastern Europe.

I get cards from eastern Europe often enough.

I like to send cards to Germany, usually the mail is relatively fast ( unless it’s a ghostcrosser who has to receive the card :frowning: )
It allows me to write in German, which I know better than English.
For Russia, it’s very unpredictable: sometimes it takes 15 days, sometimes several months. It’s always a surprise :slight_smile:

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My favorite to send/receive is probably the Netherlands. Everyone I have met there through PC is incredibly friendly, and I look forward to drawing a Netherlander! Also, I’m happy with writing to Germany. Their postal service is usually very prompt, and I don’t spend ages wondering if they’ve gotten the card yet. I look forward to each one being registered, and this usually takes about a week, which is nice. :slight_smile:

I would like to send more postcards to countries like China, Japan, Korea or Taiwan. But most of my postcards go to U.S.A, Russia, Finland or Netherlands.

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Korea is rare, but the other countries are active.

I can relate… :slight_smile:

8 of my 10 travelling postcards are on their way to the “usual suspects” at the moment and additionally, postcards to Russia and the US are taking their sweet time… :wink:

To mix it a little bit up, I´d like to send an official postcard to South America, Africa or the more “uncommon” Asian countries, but the pool of possible recipients is quite small, I know…

And I´m always happy to send postcards to the Netherlands as we spent a lot of time there and, I like to write about it :slight_smile:

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What time of day do you draw your addresses? I find I’m more likely to get addresses in those countries early in the morning UK time. No guarantee, but it might be worth varying the time you draw addresses.

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I take the addresses at breakfast between 6 and 7 in the morning.

That’s not a solution then!

An envelope some sent me was returned to sender for insufficient postage. They contacted me about it, I had not received a request to pay the postage

More Germany please! :face_with_peeking_eye:


Where are they?

For the first time in my life I only have 1 Germany in my traveling list. I drew 4 addresses today and no Germany.


Probably saving slots for December and “Postcards for a Good Cause - Cards for Literacy” campaign. For every official card sent in Germany in December and registered by the end of February Deutsche Post donates 0,10 € to the non-profit organization Stiftung Lesen (Reading foundation).

I like sending to Germany, too. Cards get there fast and hardly any get lost. I have repeated countries on and I most of my cards go to Germany and the USA. I am happy to send to big postcrossing countries and I send a lot of cards to these two countries also via forum. Lately I have been receiving some addresses to other countries which is nice as well. I am more keen to get an address of a friendly profile than to a specific country.

As a newbie I hoped all my cards to be registered as fast as possible, so I wished for any countries where my cards would travel fast. Sending mainly to most common countries in postcrossing seemed also to increase a chance of getting cards from more rare ones.

Nowadays it is more about people and less about countries for me. Sometimes I find myself wishing I would get an address of one of nice profiles I have come across, especially if I know just the right card to send them.


I love sending postcards to Germany! They seem to always arrive quickly. My postcards to Germany frequently take less time to arrive than postcards to people within the United States. I have the option selected to “have several cards traveling to the same countries at once” and end up drawing about half and half between Germany and USA addresses. Postcards arriving quickly means we can send more postcards!


I choose all middle east countries, all Asia, All Africa, Monaco, Gibrator, all Pacific Islands

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I wish I could send more cards to rarer countries in Latin America, Africa, Middle East and so on… anyway I love when I can send cards to Brazil, Portugal, France, Italy…

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Europe, only because it costs almost half or less than rest of the world…
(Europe 1.3 / America, Africa, Asia 2.45 / Oceania 3.2)