Pre-WPD Meetup Burnaby, BC - 22 September 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Burnaby, BC Canada
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Tommy Douglas Library, 7311 Kingsway V5E
:calendar: DATE: Sunday September 22
:alarm_clock: TIME: 1:00pm - 4:00pm (PST)
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:


Come hang out and meet fellow postcrossers for a pre World Postcard Day Meetup (unfortunately they were already booked for the weekend of Sept 28/29)

A meetup card has been designed and I will also print the official WPD postcard.
Stay tuned for updates on prices/ordering

We will have use of the kitchenette again, feel free to bring snacks to share. We will be in Community Room #2

Don’t hesitate to bring any items to give away, trade, sell or share.

Hope to see you there!

:warning: looks like the RSVP/attending button is no longer available, please let me know if you’re attending :blush:


  1. @postcrossingMel
  2. @welikesarah 15
  3. @shescreams 20 + 10
  4. @MuddyPawsPost 15
  5. @Boblucky7
  6. @Fr3d4k1 10
  7. @milkiwei 10 + 20 :white_check_mark:
  8. @LizNewWest 5 + 10
  9. @noemiPOM 10 + 10
  10. @patch417
  11. @bibliotheeka 10 + 10
  12. @bocek 10 + 10


That’s a nice postcard i would like to have it in a swap. Have a great time ya all :hugs::heart:

nice card :slight_smile:

I hope to be there, putting this on my calendar!


Hi all! I’m fairly new to Postcrossing - from Vancouver, BC. I’ll try and make it to this Meetup. As a newbie, anything in particular I should know about these events? Thanks for organizing, @postcrossingMel!


I’d love to attend this meetup, and the card is awesome! Is there an “attending” button to click somewhere?

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Hello and welcome :slightly_smiling_face:
The meetups are an opportunity to hang out will fellow postcrossers.
You can either bring your own postcards or order some made specific for the meetup (will have more details later)
We’ll pass around the postcards for everyone to sign and attendees are welcome to bring item to sell or add to our freebie pile (stamps, stickers, postcards, etc.)

Let me know if you have any more questions!

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Looks like they got rid of that feature (weird)
I’ll make a list in the description :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll be there! Please mark me down for 20 meetup cards!


I won’t be able to come over to Vancouver from the Island, but I’d like to order 20 of the meetup cards, and 10 of the WPD cards. Great design for the meetup card! Let me know the costs for the cards and mailing! Wish I could be there!

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I’ll message you with the details in a few weeks :slightly_smiling_face:

If I could be two placed at once, I’d be attending. Next time!


I will be there! I’d like to reserve 15 postcards please! :heart:


Hello Mel.
Add me in! I had a great time last time!



You will be missed!

I will be there. I would like to reserve 10 of each Postcards, Thank you

Will be there and would like 10 of each please! :grin:

AUG 19 EDIT: can i have 10 meetup and 20 WPD? Will be attending another one in Portland and would like to pre decorate it :grin: Thank you!

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Hello, @postcrossingMel!

I’m already on the list of attendees and would love to reserve some postcards! May I reserve 15 of each, please?

Thank you so much! Excited to see everyone next month! :slight_smile:

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I’ll be there! I’d like 10 World Postcard Day cards and 5 meetup cards please and thanks.

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I’ll be attending, and I’ll bring two friends, one of whom also Postcrosses.

Could I please get 10 of each card?

Would there be any interest in me inviting some local artists who make postcards? They could potentially bring some to sell, too.