Pre-International Handwriting Day Meetup - January 22, 2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Minsk/Belarus
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Minsk Regional Pushkin’s Library, Gikalo str., 4 (2 floor conference hall) Minsk
:calendar: DATE: January 22, 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12.00 - 15.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: postcards signing, communicating

In the modern life of gadgets and typed information less and less people write by hands.
Postcrossers are the exception as all of us try to make our cards as beautiful as we can not only by cute stripes, stickers and stamps but also by writing warm words to our fellows.
So let’s meet up once again to make a pleasant exchange!

The challenge for the meet up is to bring the word POSTCROSSING handwritten on a A7 format (half of an ordinary postcard) as beautiful as you can - we’ll choose the 3 winners and use all the participants’ works in designing the next International Handwriting Day Meetup=))

The card for the meeting are ready to be ordered


Я не верю своим глазам! В это время я буду в командировке в Минске и как раз думала, что на выходных делать будет нечего и неплохо было бы, если б в Минске прошла какая-нибудь встреча посткроссеров. И тут, о чудо, действительно запланирована встреча)) Ура :slight_smile:


Hallo :hugs:I’d love to swap this postcard from meeting . Is it possible? Greetings from Poland, Joanna

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Привет, да, возможно, можем обменяться)

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Hi, Post crossers! Greetings from INDIA! I would like to receive a signed meet-up card from anyone please. L let’s exchange this meet-up card with a surprise card from India. Please hit me up at
Thank you!

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Hey! I was at a postcrosser meeting in Minsk on January 22. do you still want to receive a postcard from the postcrosser meeting? I will be glad to swap our postcards!

Thank you so much, you are so kind, but I already found someone who will send me a postcard from this meeting. Warm wishes from Poland, Joanna

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