Postcrossing story - how did you discover us?

Hi everyone! Greetings from Turkey. I’m new the Forum. I have a question. How did you discover Postcrossing? Tell me your Postcrossing story.


My Aunt Shelley told me about postcrossing. I joined last August. I love it so much


I learnt about it in an article from the local Seattle newspaper, The Seattle Times:


Nice story. Happy Postcrossing :blush:

Wow! That’s amazing :grin:

I was sorting through envelopes of which I wanted to remove the stamps and came across a postcrossing stamp. I wasn’t exactly sure what postcrossing was, looked it up, fell in love and joined postcrossing.


I Heard about it in a german morningshow on television. I’ve kept it in mind and about 2 months later I joined.


I’m a stamp collector and I had being buying box lots of stamps. I ended up with quite a lot of blank postcards and wondered what to do with them as I’m not a postcard collector. I googled sending postcards and discovered Postcrossing. I thought that I could get rid of these postcards and maybe get some nice mail back and maybe some nice stamps for my collection. I had no idea just how much I would end up loving the postcards, the messages, the stickers, washi tape and variety. I consider myself an “entire” postcard collector now. I also don’t collect First Day Covers…(hides 1000’s of covers from view).


I briefly followed an account on Twitter where a different Finn took charge every week. I found the account boring, but one of them mentioned Postcrossing, and I just loved the concept.

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I think there was a small story in the local paper. I wonder if these are actually archived somewhere?

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Many, many years ago I received a (surprise) letter from a lady in the USA, who wanted to be my penfriend.

Our pen-friendship was only short lived, but she once mentioned Postcrossing, which was only about 1 month old at the time.

I looked at the Postcrossing page, which looked totally different back then, and after about 2 or 3 days of consideration, joined.

And I have never looked back! :smiley:

I am really happy this lady showed up in my life, obviously just to tell me about Postcrossing! :heart:


That’s great! I hope you’ll have many postcards in time. Happy Postcrossing. @Lyra34

Interesting story. Some people come in and out of our lives, but they teach us something then leave. Your old penpal mentioned this perfect website you’re lucky. :grinning:


Your story is really amazing :star_struck: You discovered it yourself with your curiosity.

I had the great luck of having an amazing English teacher who is crazy with board games and poscards. He was the one that introduced me to this site because I used to swap letters with friends from summer camp and we also exchanged cards with other classes abroad with my English class and I really loved it. Firstly he recommended to me an app for finding penpals but it didn’t work well so he suggested that I sign up here. It was probably the best thing ever happened to me. :slight_smile::slight_smile::slight_smile::purple_heart:


@Aggeliki_Milaraki Thanks to your amazing English teacher you’re here. Great.

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I found about it via an article in a magazine I have a monthly subscription to - written by another Postcrosser :slight_smile: I shared about it here: Postcrossing article in 'The Procrastination Paper' (UK)


I’m also a bookcrosser (, but got frustrated because I didn’t get a lot of replies, which seems to be normal unfortunately…so I thought how cool it would be to exchange other things, like… postcards… ! Postcrossing popped up in my search results- and I joined the same day…


I follow Royal Mail on Instagram. In October 2019 they mentioned postcrossing in relation to the 150th anniversary of the postcard. I joined as soon as I’d investigated the site. My husband watched me writing postcards, and he joined up two days later.


Imagine you- I don’t remember! :smiley: I am here a little bit more than a month- since 19-th December 2020- and I can’t say, how it happened! I was looking for something (don’t remember already, for what) in Internet and there was something about Postcrossing. I read it and registered immediately. And here I am.