Postcrossing Poem Published

Hello, fellow Postcrossers.
One of my recently published poems was inspired by my experiences with Postcrossing, in particular during these times of isolation. I hope you enjoy “Postcards in Quarantine.” And, all of you artists out there may also like the second poem, “Portal.”
If you enjoy my poems enough to invite friends to read them, please feel free. But please do not copy and paste the poems; just share the link to where the poems are published. (Thank you.)


I enjoyed both of your lovely poems DJ & I particularly like:

“slim sweet wedges of our ordinary lives,
colorful stamps and plainspoken words
sprinkled across oceans.”

And yes, “our collective grief” is there all the time, sometimes showing its head in moments.

Thanks for writing these & sharing them, Lynn

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Oh, thank you so much, Lynn. I so appreciate your kind words and wish you health and happiness.

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I’m not crying, I’m just chopping onions.

Ok, I’m crying,

That’s some beautiful poetry there.

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Aww… thank you! Sending hugs for those onion tears.

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So much in your writing that is relatable in these times, such as:

while so much outside
is wholly
out of our realm.”

Thank you for sharing!

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You are so welcome. Thank you for your kind words.