Postcrossing meeting featured in the Catalan media!

I joined a wonderful Postcrossing meeting in Banyoles (Catalonia, Spain) last Saturday. The local Televisió Banyoles interviewed some of us at the meeting:

They used parts of their interview to @gloriaribugent (here) and to me (here). The interview to @locarter was sadly cut. :frowning:

There is also a shorter written piece at Banyoles: | Banyoles Televisió - Banyoles acull una trobada de postcrossing amb una trentena d'amants de les postals.

I hope this piece will bring many new people to Postcrossing! :smiley:

(Updated with an edited version of the video to hide the private information on the postcards)


Hi, Michele,
Thanks for the references! I think the piece of news is very informative, and I hope too that we have new local postcrossers soon! The local radio, Ràdio Banyoles, also interviewed @yampadres before the meetup and published and broadcasted a wonderful article. You can check it out here: Una trentena d’aficionats a les postals es reuniran dissabte a Banyoles en una trobada de Postcrossing - Ràdio Banyoles