Postcrossing is...

Postcrossing is my soul space at snail pace.

What’s Postcrossing for you? In what ways does it change your life?


Postcrossing for me is to make wonderful connections with people.

I am mostly active on the forum and I have both friends I met in person through Postcrossing and penfriends in Japan and abroad whom I hope to meet in person in the future.

So many lovely people and fabulous moments on Postcrossing via postal mails. I like the warmth and togetherness of Postcrossing :slight_smile:


Postcrossing is why I am going to Uzbekistan for my next holiday. In April I am meeting my penfriend, who I met here. I can’t wait to visit. Countries that are really different to my own are my favourite places to visit. We are going to take a flight together and it will be her first experience on a plane. I am looking forward to having adventures together in person!


I started Postcrossing, just as a hobby and it was something to pass time. About a year and a half into doing it, I started to get very sick and was in and out of the hospital a lot. I couldn’t really go anywhere , so Postcrossing was my way of “traveling” the world. I still haven’t really made any friends, but it is fun to see what other people are doing in different parts of the world.