Postcrossing for School Project - 5th Grade Elementary

Hi @LadyC2020LUV! I would love to send your students a card too from Singapore. This is a nice project for them as they get to know and learn a lot about places, people, culture and so many things at a young age. They will have a window to the world thru the postcards. I hope your school will receive all the cards that we’ll send.

Have a great day! :smiley:

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Hello !
If you don’t mind getting a third postcard from Japan, I’d love to join!

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One winter card is already on the road from Finland. :slight_smile:

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My daughter is a year younger than your class she loves this idea and wants to know if she can write a letter as well as send them a postcard.

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I’ll be sending a postcard from Missouri!

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I love it so much when teachers use Postcrossing to inspire :heart: Tomorrow I will send a card from my hometown in Germany and I really really really hope that it arrives in time :heart:

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I send one from Aachen, Germany.

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Thank you Sachi_tama. A third card from Japan is wonderful!

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Hello bugsmum, my class will enjoy the card and letter from you daughter. I’m glad she will enjoy writing to them. Thank you.

I will send a card from Michigan.

Hello, this is a great idea. I send a card from Germany.

Good luck!

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There’s a postcard on the way from Poughkeepsie, NY.

My daughter has sent both the post card and the letter about 2 weeks ago so should be with you soon.


I have supported a school for a long time. Unfortunately, however, this school no longer exists. Therefore, I am looking for a new field of activity.

I offer:

Students can ask me anything, things about Germany, about my region, know what they do not understand or private things. I will answer every question as good as possible and individually. Knowledge, stories, everyday life, what you can not learn from any book.

I write with pen and ink.

I am happy to write directly to the students. If they do not want to trust me, the correspondence can be done through the school so that the teacher can read each letter beforehand.

You can write with me in German or English. Just as you prefer.

It is something different than what you are looking for but maybe this is something for you.

Greetings Jens